i fight for my right day and night (Yasmine -ME)
u know to get my rights i must to fight and fight then i will have a good result but sometimes i just feel sad because i will bad result because no one listen and understand..but believe me when u fight for your right u feel yourself stronger...good luck and don't give don't let someone make u down
2007-03-03 05:44:51
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
What are my rights? Are they the rights that were declared by democratically elected persons who decide how to best accommodate and respect all citizens in a country - or is it my opionion of my rights as a human being?
Your rights are to live by your morals and beliefs, but they are not there to impose on other people's beliefs.
A plain example, if you believe it is your right to be treated as a lady, but you not behave as a lady, what then? Is it your right to impose your beliefs on others? Is it your right to offend others because of your 'rights'?
I stand up to my beliefs. I believe I am opionionated, but I do make distinction between my rights and my opinion. Everybody has to (and probably do) respect my rights, but do not necessarily accept my opinion.
2007-03-03 07:43:02
answer #2
answered by MaggieSA 3
Only to the extent I think reasonable, and ultimately, only to the extent the right in question is important to me. I go all the way for animal rights, elder rights, and children's rights.
--That Cheeky Lad
2007-03-03 09:13:00
answer #3
answered by Charles-CeeJay_UK_ USA/CheekyLad 7
i would do all i can possibly do for anyone's rights, but since there's always old-fashioned ppl i guess that wouldnt happen til i'm long dead. thats why i prefer to remain as an enemy of society.
PROgress, not REgress
2007-03-03 09:48:40
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I am part of society. Society is not part of me.
2007-03-03 04:52:02
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
all the way, im a rebel.
2007-03-03 04:46:43
answer #6
answered by zanydumplings 3
Not far... maybe I should, but... you know.
2007-03-03 04:46:42
answer #7
answered by floppity 7