Get your hips down, head up,wrap around the hips, drive with feet untill they go down. To get a football scholarship on defense you obviously have to have some skill, good work ethic, be constantly in the weight room, and be lucky to be at a big high school that college teams scout at.
2007-03-03 07:25:43
answer #1
answered by nik j 1
I played safety at both the high school and college level, so I may be able to help. If you want to tackle someone bigger than you, you cant arm tackle them. Be aggressive, and go after their legs. Try to tie them up so if you can bring them down, one of your teammates can put on the second hit. Most importantly, dont be afraid of him hitting you, cause otherwise he's just run you right over. If you want a scholarship on defense, you will obviously need to apply for a scholarship and other things, but you need to grab some publicity. Make your local newspaper. Scouts read those things and they may come to your games. You have to do what you do best. If you are a D linemen get sacks. If you are a corner get interceptions. You need to always be aggressive on defense, but not too agressive. You arent going to get any scholarships if you try to get an interception, and the receiver catches the ball and runs for a touchdown, or you try to make the big hit, and completely whiff the running back.
2007-03-03 05:20:50
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
How To Tackle Someone Bigger
2017-01-09 09:58:48
answer #3
answered by heckel 4
How old are you I think you need to be low and balanced but do not stay still, my biggest tip is to come up on them quick before they build up pace. Unless you got hit by a knee I think to dislocate your collarbone you were going too high. Once you get better at that I suggest a position change. Also make sure you put everything into the tackle especially against a prop and don't put in a half *** effort or you will get injured
2016-03-16 03:40:44
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
The only way to get a scholarship is to excel and be noticed. Unfortunately, it doesn't always work that way.
You can excel but for various reasons; e.g. scout may be looking at or for someone else; you may be at a school that most are inferior players to scouts and they won't even visit your school, etc.
If you continue to play well enough and continue to make the team; you may play well enough to make it to the pro ranks.
As for tackling someone larger that you, the surest way is to grab them around the legs and take their balance from them.
Even if you can grab just one leg, oftentimes that is enough to stop most runners.
Strengthen your upper body to be able to stand the force of hitting them. Strengthen your hand grip in case all you can grap is part of the uniform. If you can grab part of the uniform you may be able to get a firm hold on another part of the body.
And strengthen your arm grip so that when you wrap your arms around a person it's like a bear hug and you can either pick the person up and throw them down or wrestle them down.
2007-03-03 05:00:14
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Always go for the legs. If you watch premier, intelligent defenders like Brian Dawkins (my personal favorite defender in the NFL), he more often than not goes for the legs although his highlights consist of him just knocking people over, if you watch him a lot he knows that going for the legs obviously renders players unable to run anymore so they get tripped up. Another good example of a leg (or shoelace) tackle is Ben Roethlisberger against Nick Harper in the AFC divisional game in 2005. Had Big Ben gone for anything other than Harper's legs, Steelers may not have made it out of Indy with the win.
2007-03-03 06:27:11
answer #6
answered by DSW07 4
I'm pretty big and ill tell you that you making the play and getting a tackle can be two different things you can tie him up and wait for help to come or you can take an angle do not go head up you will get embarrassed or hert take a angle don't run around them they don't wont contact they will try to run around you first. when that happens aim your shoulder pad towards their hip with your head across their body and your hips low and drive up and force him on his back.
2007-03-07 00:57:01
answer #7
answered by jtallamerican722 1
To get a scholarship you need speed and/or size. If you have neither you need to put up amazing numbers.
First things first, going for the knees will get you tagged as a dirty player and not only make it harder to get a scholarship but could cost you minutes at the level you're at. Low yes, knees no. Sexond, leading with your head does two things-it makes it pretty likely that you'll spend your life in a wheelchair eating through a straw and whizzing into a bag (try putting a bag of your own urine next to your bed to see if you like it before you try it) and it also shows a lot of people that you're stupid-some of those people are coaches and they'd all rather have you collecting garbage than peeing in a bag and drinking through a straw beacuase they put you on the field (some will take that chance, a lot won't).
The main thing in tackling a bigger player is that you can't hesitate. If you pull up before hitting someone you aren't hitting them, they're hitting you, and they're probalby going to run you over. In that case the best you can hope for is that they fall down on their own. If you do the two things I'm going to say, a bigger balcarrier might push over you becuase of their size, but they can't run over you.
Tackle low and wrap up. Focus on the hips of the person with the ball since people that can run sideways are extremely rare (Reggie Bush and Barry Sanders are the only two I've ever seen). By focusing on the hips of the person you're trying to tackle you do a few things.
You give yourself a target that should move in a relatively straight line. Most runners use shoulder and head fakes to get you to take a bad angle so the force you bring to the point of contact either misses then entirely or isn't direct, allowing them to push through it. You need to cut off the line they're taking to tackle consistently.
Going for the hips also naturally drops you lower than the person you're trying to tackle. The physics here aren't exact exact because I'm simplifying for space, but the ideas are sound. If you try to tackle someone twice you're size and you're both running equally fast the ballcarrier has twice your momentum (momentum is mass times velocity in case you haven't taken any physics). Force is something else, and in physics means something different from how it's usually used, so when I talk about force here it's common usage and not physics. Same situation, you're half the size of the ballcarrier. If you put your shoulder on his shoulder, he hits you with double the force that you hit him. Measure the mass from a stable point to the point of impact. The stable point is the ground, the point of impact your shoulders. If you put your shoulder into the same ballcarrier's stomach you cut his force roughly in half, because about half his mass is going to be above the point of impact and not involved in the collision. He still has twice your momentum so he's probably going to fall forward, but you'll hit him just as hard as he hits you which makes it a lot more likely that you'll bring him down.
None of that matters much if you don't wrap up. Most ball carriers are good at either making people miss or keeping their feet when they get hit. Staying low helps you avoid things people do that make you miss, and at the same time makes it a lot more effective when you grab the runner because you're going to tie up the runner's legs. The same momemtum that will let him run you over if you hit him in the shoulder, and will let him fall forward if you hit him low will make him fall if his legs get tangled--tangling his legs will slow his legs, since you hit him around the waist his head and shoulders will keep moving forward faster than his feet can keep up and he'll probably go down by losing balance if you didn't get him down with contact. It won't work every time. Some people are strong enough to break through the contact and have good enough balance to sometimes keep their feet after they do, but if you stay low and wrap up your tackles you've done everything you can to make the tackle.
2007-03-03 05:31:19
answer #8
answered by sdwillie 3
I know I'm a girl but I used to play football. You need to have good grades for one, also on defense you need to outdo every other player in your area and three get footage of yourself to send to football scouts so they atleast know who you are. good luck!
2007-03-03 04:45:01
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
The bigger they are the harder they fall, get down and just ram into as hard as u can.
2007-03-03 05:22:56
answer #10
answered by random bailey 5