Professional sports stars
Even though it should it be teachers, social workers, doctors, child care workers, people who work with the poor, handicapped, elderly....people who defend us and protect us like policemen, firefighters, soldiers...
Our priorities are all screwed up.
2007-03-03 04:41:46
answer #1
answered by ThatLady 5
Our country is so corrupt that the most popular professionals are those who entertain like Dwyane wade he don't do nothin but entertain but so many people want to be like him
Government officials make decisions that change the world so they are pretty respected
But on the other hand Doctors are pretty respected as they are the ones who help you while pastors are getting being looked down upon because of the amount of rapist pastors out there
2007-03-03 04:42:07
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
i could could disagree with A.M in this aspect. i imagine some type of massive distinction needs to be made hostile to particular kinds of prostitutes. some come to this u . s . broke, nowhere else to exhibit and are compelled into it and customarily compelled to save doing it by technique of pimps or gangs. I particularly have seen documentaries for some women those who pass it willingly and knowingly and enjoy it (or maybe it truly is only the money they have a good time with). And there are respected places, regardless of the truth that perhaps no longer strictly legal, like escort facilities, perhaps human beings experience more suitable positive about going the following because it truly is way less likely the prostitutes are compelled into doing what they are doing. I also believe a placed up above about suitable regulation. If there became some regulation and protection for prostitutes it does no longer be so undesirable, it truly is already a large funds earner in this u . s ., why no longer placed truly some the money into the commercial equipment legally. finally, A.M. you ought to no longer wish ailment on human beings regardless of the truth that your perspectives perhaps, STD's are literally not inevitably stuck by technique of being promiscuous, it may in reality take one better 1/2 to seize it - and as they say, in case you want those issues on human beings, what is going round....
2016-12-05 04:45:30
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
At one time Pastors, Ministers and Priests were very respectable. However due to all the cheating, and rumors and proven claims of priests participating in pedophile behavior their respectability have decline in a lot of eyes..
So again I would say physicians and today's soldiers...
2007-03-03 05:23:42
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Teachers, any kind, whether they come in the form of academic teachers, spiritual ministers, etc.. Without teachers, there wouldn't be any other profession.
By the way, I'm not American. But I guess it's mostly the same around the world.
2007-03-03 04:41:53
answer #5
answered by Dowland 5
Doctors are very respected and people trust them. In the movie "Catch me If you Can" the guy found that people would trust anyone in a uniform.
2007-03-03 04:41:02
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Pastors, teachers, doctors, lawyers, firemen, policemen, paramedics jobs where the people are dealing with and helping people for the better.
2007-03-03 04:40:52
answer #7
answered by sticky 7
Homeless People should be respected!
2007-03-03 05:13:23
answer #8
answered by javo 3
TV presenters. Sad but True.
2007-03-03 04:39:44
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Any that make you the object of a paparazzi hunt. I ain't kidding.
2007-03-03 04:42:03
answer #10
answered by jaded 2