really they're my dad's but they are african red belies or something, they have been eating goldfish, but i don't want to make the hour trip just to get them, so what else can they eat?
12 answers
asked by
➔ Fish
they are my dad's but i have been out of town every day for 2 weeks doing some kind of errand for him, i am 4 months pregnant and only willing to drive about 10 miles to get food for three piranhas, i am sick of being in my car.
04:52:34 ·
update #1
Most any very lean meat will do. Beef heart is a good food for them or small pieces of fish fillets.
2007-03-03 04:44:23
answer #1
answered by magicman116 7
My brother had a pirhanna for over 10 years. He started out feeding it feeder goldfish (we had a separate tank and would buy 20-40 at a time). But in the end, that got pretty expensive, and even though it isn't recommended, we fed minnows from the local bait shop. Like I said, he lived over 10 years, and when he died, my dad had it mounted by a taxidermist and now he is preserved for eternity, lol!!
2007-03-03 04:42:11
answer #2
answered by dogandcatluvr 3
First off, stop feeding goldfish immediately. Goldfish and any feeders are one of the worst things you could feed them. Feeders are raised in awful disease infested tanks and could transfer whatever they have to your fish and kill them.
Being that they have already tasted fish, pellets are out of the question. IMO, a very cost effective and time efficient food would be frozen calamari from your local grocery store. Its like $5 for a whole box. All you need to do is defrost, clean and throw them in. My RBP love this. Other options would be shrimp, fish fillets, or beef heart which is also available at your local grocery store.
2007-03-03 21:25:43
answer #3
answered by Anxious8o8 2
They can eat an assortment of foods like your hand- just kidding but seriously, they can be fed flakes, pellets, live or frozen foods, and feeder fish though I would't reccomend it because the feeders might be teeming with bacteria and diseases which could in turn sicken your fish. Don't feed your fish a diet too rich or you could give them constipation-YES it exsists and it could kill them
2007-03-03 04:45:27
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
You should check with your dad.
Maybe he has fed them something else in the past.
I would not just start feeding something else - to someone elses animal, without checking first.
Do you really think that you have a right to do that?
Kinda rude dont ya think?
2007-03-03 04:49:16
answer #5
answered by ♥ Jasmine ♥ 4
you can feed it and kind of meat, preferably beef heart, which is a lot cheaper than like a piece of steak
2007-03-03 05:07:48
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Ask the place were your buying the goldfish, maybe you'll have to get a seperate container for the goldfish.
2007-03-03 04:39:41
answer #7
answered by PegBundyWannabe 5
any other goldfish around you? if so feed them that. they will also eat other kinds of fish.
2007-03-03 04:45:22
answer #8
answered by Cat Lady 1
go fishing catch fish and give some to your pirannhas
2007-03-03 04:49:16
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Just jump in.
2007-03-03 04:45:50
answer #10
answered by Rothwyn 4