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plz be serious ! thanx

2007-03-03 04:08:45 · 9 answers · asked by Dr Surabhi :) 3 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

9 answers




2007-03-06 00:12:14 · answer #1 · answered by BLACK KILLZ.....!?! 3 · 1 0

Actually we shouldn't be doing that. God made man and women and induced them with different abilities so that the can work in co-operation for the progress of mankind. Comparing both the genders based on abilities creates a rift between to, making one actually feel that both are two diferent creations competing for individual superiority. Instead we should accept ourselves as what we are and look at our duties towards the mankind with our abilities. Acceptance and tolerance towards each other would help us create a perfect harmony in the society. Both the genders are integral part of the world and must co-exist for the world to go round.

Although comparision is a must for a healthy competition, but competion has to be between individuals of the same calibre. Men and women are simply a team. Comparision within themselves would split of the team creating hurdles in the progress.

Good question...


2007-03-04 15:28:49 · answer #2 · answered by plato's ghost 5 · 0 0

Human beings have a basic nature of comparing two thigs that are of the same kind(basic features), but have different looks. Like you compare a Tata Indica with a Swift, or a Santro....why do you do it??? well, cos of human nature of comparing things.... So, man and woman, being two different forms of the same species, their capabilities are compared. And it's quite obvious, and it will never stop, no matter how advanced we become, although the difference between their performance is gradually reducing to a thin line.....But still, human beings will continue to be human beings, and will always compare the "Indicas" and the "Santros". So take a chill pill, nothing to worry.

2007-03-03 12:22:48 · answer #3 · answered by ashu nitin anant 1 · 0 0

This started when man was stronger (physically) than woman and thus thought he was dominant. Since then, however, there have been circumstances (suffragettes ect.) which have caused the tables to be turned. Now scientists have discovered many differences in the way the two sex's brains function and are interested in testing. In the meantime, many women want to find ways in which they are better than men, and, in today's society, women are thought of as better than men by the general public. They want to prove which is "better" but in the end it all balances out anyway.

2007-03-03 12:24:53 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There are obvious differences inmen and women, seems that some women go to extremes to fill the shoes of a man, and men misunderstand their true nature, seeking sex changes to be something that they are not. Men and women are different, just look at the facts.

2007-03-03 12:14:16 · answer #5 · answered by EyeKneadPoints 3 · 0 0

we cant compare men and women based on their abilities...because both r having different capabilities according to the nature of their minds...but 1 thing out of my personal experience and a saying quoted by one of my workers " aurat aisi gandi cheese hai jise door hi rakhe to acha hai '' ... women r the worst among all things and if kept away it will be good for you...so that is the comparison according to me...

2007-03-04 10:24:34 · answer #6 · answered by krishna_raj_s 2 · 0 0

this is a good question, I think we do it because in our society good = useful and not moral, kind hearted etc... men and women have become just like cars and we want to know who performs better. It is sad.

2007-03-03 12:16:10 · answer #7 · answered by remy 5 · 0 0

Easy definition. Male corporate executive: 150K per year.
Female corporate executive (same job) 65K per year.

Any questions?

2007-03-03 12:16:29 · answer #8 · answered by Kyle L 1 · 0 0

Why not?

2007-03-07 00:24:56 · answer #9 · answered by love all 6 · 0 0

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