teenage pregnancy
2007-03-03 03:52:11
answer #1
answered by GI 5
Used bubblegum found ANYWHERE but in a trash can. Is it really so tough to wrap it in paper and throw it away? There is no way that the wind blew that out of the trash can.
Break the Pain Chain! If there is something that bothers you then NEVER DO IT TO ANYONE ELSE. If it is truly accidental then learn to forgive others when they do it. Maybe you just do not know the circumstances of how it happened.
2007-03-03 11:26:16
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Well, your first premise is mistaken....
Not "everyone" has a pet hate.
Whenever I find myself hating something or somone, I try to figure out why it's bothering me so much....then I remember one of my "pet maxims", which is: "You spot it, you got it."
Generally, it means that whatever is bothering *me* so much is probably something of which I am guilty.
For instance, I hate gossip. Why? because it is such a hard habit for me to break.
I hate racism. Why? Because I have a lot of prejudice against certain types of people: people who hate Blacks, for example, I am very prejudiced against. If I hear someone use the "n-word" I automatically hate them, without knowing anything else about them.
I hate people who are materialistic. Why? Because I hate materialism in myself.
You get what I'm saying?
Maybe you'd better go take a shower and brush your teeth!
2007-03-03 11:25:29
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Mine is smoking, especially indoors. I lived with a roommate who smoked and I hated the smoke. I also had a friend who was a chain smoker and had trouble quitting. Everytime he smoked he did so in his apartment, in front of me. I think this stemmed from him livng alone and his inability to quit.
2007-03-03 20:39:36
answer #4
answered by liker_of_minnesota 4
Bad drivers. IE cell phone drivers and women putting on make-up while doing 80mph on the I-10 all while tailgating. The list goes on and on believe me!
2007-03-03 11:21:32
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Lies. Lies have caused more harm in human history than any other single activity. My life was basically destroyed by one mistake, and one lie. I could have recovered from the mistake without the lie.
2007-03-03 11:25:04
answer #6
answered by Anonymous