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My husband was so sweet last night!! He came home and for my 20th birthday, he gave me a baby kitten!! He is such a beautiful little gray kitten with blue eyes!! I love him!! However, he is such a little baby and my husband got him from a litter and the lady said that he was being nursed by his mommy so i am wondering since I am breastfeeding my child, should I try to breastfeed my baby kitten? I want my kitten Puddy Tat (my husband let me name him that after the cartoon with Tweety and Sylvester...teehee!!) to be healthy and I don't know if I can feed him regular milk or food or what. I am so happy and I feel like I have two babies now! However, before I mention this to my husband I wanted to find out if you think he might get jealous of me breastfeeding the kitten or if it sounds like a good idea.

2007-03-02 19:01:28 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Polls & Surveys

23 answers

Go ahead and do it. Just make sure that you do it often and in public.

2007-03-02 19:04:17 · answer #1 · answered by BRAINS! 5 · 6 0

Umm...I personally wouldn't do that. Why don't you just put milk into a baby bottle and nurse the kitten that way instead? Also, breastfeeding the kitten can introduce bacteria into your milk duct and cause an infection...something you don't want especially if you are still breastfeeding your baby. Just go to the vet and as for a kitten formula or something. But please, please, don't breastfeed the kitten.

2007-03-02 19:11:22 · answer #2 · answered by Maicia 3 · 3 0

No. Kittens are allot of artwork. bypass on your community puppy factors shop or perhaps your vet and ask for a can of KMR. Kitten Milk replace. Kittens choose milk from their mothers. no longer dairy milk. i don't be responsive to what human milk could do yet i be responsive to that kittens are very susceptible and it could desire to kill him. Dairy is actual out. reckoning on how youthful he's, i don't be responsive to, mash up canned kitten formulation in with the KMR answer. Slowly placed further and extra canned nutrition in till (after 5 weeks) they are ingesting canned nutrition. Then slowly over some weeks, introduce them to dry nutrition. i would be unable to think of why your husband could carry domicile a kitten that replaced into being nursed nevertheless yet he has and you may desire to be the kittens new mom. yet breast feeding isn't the the appropriate option determination. Ask you vet for any suggestion or perhaps email me for any questions. I even have hand raised many kitten orphans and be responsive to my way around kittens. good success.

2016-09-30 03:34:06 · answer #3 · answered by aharon 4 · 0 0

OK, get a bottle and kitten milk, your not a cat your a mommy to a child who needs clean breast...you will still love and bond with puddy cat....

2007-03-02 19:07:34 · answer #4 · answered by jossieray 5 · 2 0


Please dont breastfeed your cat. Get a bottle from the pet supply store to feed that cat. Are you a cat? No? Then dont breastfeed one. Also, dont you think that might be uncomfortable or weird - and maybe not healthy for your own baby???

I hope you were joking, but I sorta take you seriously. Dont breastfeed your cat, lady.

2007-03-02 19:13:09 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

well i think breastfeeding a kitten is a form of animal abuse so i would suggest not doing that.

2007-03-02 19:18:27 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes I definitely think this sounds like a great idea!! I'm sure he won't be jealous...maybe you can breastfeed him too!

2007-03-03 16:02:10 · answer #7 · answered by Chat 3 · 1 0

If he is being nursed by the cat, why do you need to nurse him?

If the mom cat is seperated from him, do the right thing and reunite them. Don't seperate mom and kid.

2007-03-02 19:06:40 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I thought your dad was putting an end to this? What is your deal?

2007-03-02 19:13:10 · answer #9 · answered by noname 3 · 1 0

are you crazy why dont you ask a vet or something for some milk. breast feed from you. AWWWWWWWWW YOU SICK

2007-03-02 19:13:16 · answer #10 · answered by Bass 3 · 1 0

if you're serious, and I hope you're not but if you are, don't directly do it, pump the milk in a bottle or something.

2007-03-02 19:05:50 · answer #11 · answered by experiMENTAL bunny 6 · 1 0

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