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1. Did you like the movie?

2. Did you find it humorous that Rob Zombie glorified these ugly, sweaty, disgusting serial killers? Or just sad?

3. Which movie do you think was more gratuitously gory "The Devil's Rejects" or "The Hills Have Eyes" (newest version)?

2007-03-02 18:30:59 · 8 answers · asked by Havana Brown 5 in Entertainment & Music Movies

8 answers

1. Loved it, Rob Zombie, and his wife, have a way of making a scary movie, quite comical, because they are so crazy.. I couldn't help but laugh when she was standin in front of those people in the motel room goin " Chinese, Japanese, Dirty knees, Look at these "..

2. Very humorous, there are some seriously demented people out there, and many of them although scary, they can still be funny.. I can find humor in almost anything..

3. Well, The Hills Have Eyes wasn't scary to me, more of a suspense, and The Devil's Rejects just made me laugh.. They were both pretty gross at parts, but The Devil's Rejects had a bad *** soundtrack.. Awesome use of Free bird in that movie..

2007-03-02 19:50:52 · answer #1 · answered by *♥short~sh!t♥* 3 · 1 0

1. Yes I liked it better than Zombie's first movie, "House of a 1,000 Corpses";

2. Humorous OR sick? Neither. I felt it more of a tabloid style exploitation to glorify the anti-heroes in this movie;

3. "Devil's Rejects" is MUCH gorier than the remake to "The Hills Have Eyes". Gratuitous gore (gore just for the sake of gore) is not present in either film.

2007-03-03 05:24:13 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

yes i liked the movie minus all the way cool 70's hits

i found it to be a laugh riot, way better than house of a 1000 corpses

well some would say the hills have eyes and some would say devil's rejects to me they both were about as gory, but devil's ends up winning it had more perverse things in it then hills did so to me that makes it a little bit more "gory"

2007-03-03 02:36:04 · answer #3 · answered by Lazrus 6 · 1 0

I didn't like it

I found it sad...but mostly disturbing that a mind was actually capable of coming up with such disgusting ideas.

I never saw the new hills have eyes. But I'm sure if you are comparing the two, it must be bad also. I can stand a little gore in a movie if it is part of a bigger plot. If the main point of a movie is to be disturbing like these are, then I choose not to waste my time watching them.

2007-03-03 02:40:58 · answer #4 · answered by cutesy76 6 · 1 0

1. Yes!

2. Well yeah, it was humorous!

3. The Hills Have Eyes! Without a doubt, no less!

2007-03-03 02:58:48 · answer #5 · answered by ~♥The Hon♥~ 2 · 1 0

1. Loved the movie.
2. I found it humourous that Rob Zombie made the villians look like victims
3. I haven't seen the Hills Have Eyes yet so I have no idea.

2007-03-03 02:38:23 · answer #6 · answered by Lichelle 3 · 1 0

1. i loved the movie. it was directed brilliantly with a great soundtrack

2. I did, horror movie lovers usually watch these movies for the killers, it was nice to be on there side and see their crazy f-ed up lives! it gives it that extra bit of horror that serial killers are just people too...who like ice cream, have family blah blah blah

3. I really did not like the hills have eyes...i dont like rape scene, i think that watching a rape is terrible and shouldn't even be put in a movie... especially if the movie had nothing to do with anti-rape ideas

2007-03-03 02:39:42 · answer #7 · answered by Kelly S 2 · 1 0

1. Haven't seen it.
2. Don't know, haven't seen the movie.
3. Haven't seen either of those so can't answer.

2007-03-03 02:34:02 · answer #8 · answered by Wiseguy 3 · 0 2

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