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When I am having sex with my bf, I always feel like urinating when he is going in and out...so I always tell him to stop or I will wet my self.

Are they actually the feeling of female ejaculating?

2007-03-02 17:59:41 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Women's Health

15 answers

You should see a doctor to rule out any significant problems, but what is most likely is that your boyfriend's penis is hitting your cervix. The cervix, otherwise known as the mouth of the womb, is located at the top of the vagina. If you insert your finger, you can feel it as a firm area; it feels almost like the tip of one's nose.
Because the cervix is part of the uterus, if the cervix is impacted during sex, the whole uterus is moved. This can be uncomfortable. Usually position changes can help alleviate this discomfort. Being on top allows you to control depth of penetration and is the position that works best for many women in your situation.

2007-03-02 18:13:29 · answer #1 · answered by jcmc3056 3 · 1 2

I feel like I am over sharing but....I'm one of those women who "happen" during sex. The first couple times it happened I was really worried that I had just peed on my boyfriend. I looked it a few things online and found some things about female ejaculation and kind of through a process of elimination (using the bathroom directly before sex,etc.) thought it was that. I did ask my gyno what was normal when it came to female ejaculation and she said it ranges, some women very little, others do alot.

If you are really concerned I would talk to your doctor, it wouldn't hurt.

2007-03-03 02:50:02 · answer #2 · answered by CollegeMeg 2 · 1 0

Maybe you have a bit of wee in your bladder and if he is on top then this might give you the feeling of needing to go to the toilet. Going to the loo before and after sex can alliviate this feeling. Going after sex is also a good practice as I have read that this can reduce the risk/occurance of thrush. If there is any pain though I would suggest you do visit you doctor. Good luck!

2007-03-03 02:42:20 · answer #3 · answered by Mad Scientist 2 · 0 0

Yes. The sensation of needing to urinate comes from stimulation of the G spot.
Carry on through it - there is no danger you will actually urinate. You may ejaculate ('squirt') though - it's not the same as urine - it comes from a special gland.
Sounds like your partner knows what he is doing - many of them don't.

2007-03-03 06:55:49 · answer #4 · answered by Trish D 5 · 1 0

this sounds alot like ejaculation.. .. and IF it is 'good on you girl' orgasm is easy but female ejaculation is an art, not all women can do it.. im 37 and have only mastered it in the last year or so.
the first time it happened i thought i wet myself (& so did my hubby)it does feel alot like you need to wee,just go with the flow and enjoy it but be prepared to have to change the sheets afterwards.lol

2007-03-03 05:38:29 · answer #5 · answered by chickroon 2 · 1 0

It is normal, your boyfriend has just found your g-spot which is an area of sensitive tissue inside your vagina. You have a sudden urge to urinate, and it feels as if you're gonna pee right then and there if he doesn't stop right?? It's normal, carry on and you'll be exploding with orgasm!!

2007-03-03 03:05:02 · answer #6 · answered by Me! 3 · 1 0

no, during sex your muscles can relaxe like when you have a wee and this can make you feel like your having a wee when your not or the contents of your bladder comes out. i don't think i'm explaining it very well. if you are still worried visit your GP.

2007-03-04 08:28:28 · answer #7 · answered by QueenB 4 · 0 0

Extra pressure on the bladder perhaps. Just get it checked to put your mind at rest.

2007-03-03 09:16:27 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well its quite natural to feel like urinating when having sex..So nothing to worry with that. Even if you are feeling that way,just relax and pee...Nothing wrong with it..In my personal experience my wife do it..She always pee...


2007-03-03 02:50:56 · answer #9 · answered by Marshal h 2 · 0 1

well, i dont think i would say thats how i feel, but you should void your bladder before you start having sex, and try another position because i would say hes hitting your bladder and causing that feeling, try it on your knees with him behind you.

2007-03-03 04:02:43 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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