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it is kind of scary to think that rats would be that much bigger because of what they ate...I am not even afraid of rats, but seeing an abnormally huge one and knowing that it is only that huge because of what it ate is even more than I can handle. So does anyone know if the reason some rats are so huge is because of what they eat? or are they just naturally that big, like born to be that big?

2007-03-02 17:10:38 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

1 answers

some are well fed and they appear larger than the regular rats, but there are many different types of rats, some are naturally bigger than the rest just like some dogs, cats, snakes etc are bigger than others. They are simply naturally bigger in size

2007-03-04 22:53:27 · answer #1 · answered by fozio 6 · 0 0

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