Leaving aside the raw fact that the animals must sacrifice their lives for human vanity, we are left with many objections to fur ranching.
A common misconception about fur "ranches" is that the animals do not suffer. This is entirely untrue. These animals suffer a life of misery and frustration, deprived of their most basic needs. They are kept in wire-mesh cages that are tiny, overcrowded, and filthy. Here they are malnourished, suffer contagious diseases, and endure severe stress.
On these farms, the animals are forced to forfeit their natural instincts. Beavers, who live in water in the wild, must exist on cement floors. Minks in the wild, too, spend much of their time in water, which keeps their salivation, respiration, and body temperature stable. They are also, by nature, solitary animals. However, on these farms, they are forced to live in close contact with other animals. This often leads to self-destructive behavior, such as pelt and tail biting. They often resort to cannibalism.
The methods used on these farms reflect not the interests and welfare of the animals but the furriers' primary interest--profit. The end of the suffering of these animals comes only with death, which, in order to preserve the quality of the fur, is inflicted with extreme cruelty and brutality. Engine exhaust is often pumped into a box of animals. This exhaust is not always lethal, and the animals sometimes writhe in pain as they are skinned alive. Another common execution practice, often used on larger animals, is anal electrocution. The farmers attach clamps to an animal's lips and insert metal rods into its anus. The animal is then electrocuted. Decompression chambers, neck snapping, and poison are also used.
2007-03-02 20:33:41
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
All over my body. Fur is okay if it came from an animal you killed for food.
2007-03-03 00:22:24
answer #2
answered by Fireman T 6
No - Killing another living being just for it's fur is wasteful and cruel.
2007-03-03 00:43:36
answer #3
answered by marilynn 5
yes i wear fur..what the f have animals done for us? screw em..i am in racoon lodge..we skin racoons to make our hats...
2007-03-03 00:23:19
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Well after I eat those tasty critters, what should I do with the pelt?
2007-03-03 00:37:02
answer #5
answered by Anonymous