The transition from high school to university can be a big shock. You have alot more freedom in University. You paid for's not the Prof's responsibility to make sure you go to class.
1. College is mainly for learning. You don't pay that kind of money for nothing. It's what you make it. You can join groups or in high school.
2.There are winter or spring breaks and summer vacations.
3.The Prof's expect you are there to learn something and are not interested in reminding you to do anything.Some freshmen classes have 200 people in them.You have to be responsible for keeping your marks up.
4.Your day starts off depending on what classes you take. If you take sciences you will be in school longer because of labs. I had days i didn't start till 11:00AM and other days i had class at 8:00AM.
5.In dorms that i know of in Canada you cannot share a room with a guy but you can share a house. Most people spend little time with their roommates if they have different lives.
Hope this all was interesting!
2007-03-02 16:19:30
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
There is alot more than learning in collage the parties, friends etc. There is long v.k's like winter break is a month usually. Depends who the teacher is smart ***. There are some people that don't have a car because simply don't have one or like their parents don't let them. Depending on the time of your classes and then homework is the length of your day. You have to deal with/ move into a different place, maybe alone or something. No usually you wouldn't have a girl as a room mate if you are a boy or the other way around, w/e. People tell me that collage is like a party that never ends. Also that it's like high school and people don't care so much about what other people do. There aren't any cliques or groups. There is only the people you sit next to.
2007-03-03 00:21:36
answer #2
answered by ~N!kk!~ 1
Entirely depends on the college you are looking at. Most will have summer vacations, but often offer classes if you want to keep taking them. Some take classes just in the evening, others start at 8 AM. College should be about learning; there are cheaper ways to socialize, lol. But college is a great time for exploring different clubs and interests. In college I wrote papers and took tests, but I joined the Model UN and Amnesty International, tried kayaking and rock climbing, and participated in campus events. Not everyone has a car, and some campuses make having a car mostly unnecessary.
Roomates are a tricky issue, and most dorms have people in charge of helping you get used to having a roommate. most schools offer ways to swap roommates or get single rooms. Every dorm has slightly different rules for gender rules, but it is usually same sex unless you are off campus.
Professors are usually great, but don't expect them to coddle you like some high school teachers will. They expect you to be an adult, so make sure you follow directions and deadlines. Most are happy to offer extra help, just don't be whiny about it.
2007-03-03 00:19:34
answer #3
answered by scrabblemaven 5
Woah slow down there buddy. I'm a Sophomore at the University of North Carolina.
First off College life has many factors that affect your college environment. The biggest of which is are you living on your own? or are you still living with your parents and commuting to class. If its the later your college experience is going to become very limited, epically if your parents are driving you around. However if its the first then just imagine what you'd be doing if you weren't under your parents watch...AT ALL! That's the basis for college life you decide what you do, and you face the consequences of your decisions, YOU not anyone else make the decision to go to class or sleep in, get completely wasted the day before a test or study, rush a frat or make your own friends, hook up with that insanely hot girl you hardly know but your almost certain she's been around the block more than enough times or not take the risk of waking up tomorrow with crabs ITS YOUR CHOICE! So just keep that in mind if you want to know about college life.
Yes there are summer vacations and there just like in high school expect most university's get out much earlier, but it all depends on when your last exam is, for instance at my university for summer I can be out on May 7th if none of my classes have exams...or I can be stuck there till the 21st if I have one on the last exam day.
The teachers at university's are just as diverse as the people you'll meet there, and trust me its a huge eye opener for some people.However the stereo-type for most teachers are they have very liberal mindsets, and although they'll claim they won't they will try to impose their mindset on you, also note most are anti-religious epically anti-Christian.
The car there's something that's different for each university. Your freshmen year some university's don't even allow you to have one as they won't allow freshmen to purchase a parking pass for their car, in this case most of these university's also require freshmen to live on campus. However at my university this isn't the case you can live where ever you wish and you can have your car on long as you pay 250 bucks a year for the pass...and half the time you'll spend almost a 1/2 hour trying to find a space.
The roommate that gets tricky. There's a saying that goes "Those who live with their best friend often lose them" for me I decided to room with a friend of mine from high school my freshmen year and I can't stand him now, hardly even see him, however the other two guys I roomed with I had never met before and now were the best of friends living together in an off campus apartment. If you don't like your roommate most university's offer programs to try and help work your differences out and if you can't they'll often move you, however beware theres a lot of red tape to get through and often there are fee's involved as well. My choice if I did it again...choose someone you know that you wouldn't mind hating next year, they'll be a bearable roommate for at least a year, and you'll make friends at college fast...if not just join a frat.
You've got a long ways to go so don't worry. Study hard in high school so you keep your GPA up that way you can get into any university you want, otherwise you'll be stuck with who will accept you. Good luck!
PS most university's will not allow you to room with someone of the opposite sex unless your married. How ever there are exceptions and truth be told no ones really watching so as long as your roommates are cool with it your girlfriend can move in without a problem.
2007-03-03 00:24:03
answer #4
answered by Advice4U 3
I liked college a lot more than high school. All that other stuff will fall into place for you--just get through high school and when it really stinks, just remember there is life after high school.
2007-03-03 00:10:58
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Its part of the rites of growing up and learning to be an independent adult.
As far as your academic career, for most of us, its where you learn about subject matters that you may find totally boring but must learn in order to pass. (Learning stuff that interest you is the easy part.) Best of luck
2007-03-03 00:14:50
answer #6
answered by rokdude5 4
nothing much but i like your last question.
2007-03-03 00:09:42
answer #7
answered by fleur 4