For me, it was when I was at my school dance, I was hanging out with a few of my friends and my boyfriend. Unfortunately, my parents were chaperoning.
They weren't bad at first, but then they grabbed the microphone saying "I dedicate this song to our daughter (me)". Then they started to sing and dance really bad. By the time the song was over, everyone was laughing at me.
My parents then started saying embarrasing stories about me over the micophone. My friends were making fun of me and my boyfriend was too. So then I ran out of the place and tripped. Everyone then gathered around me chanting.
So what's yours?
9 answers
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Well, it isn't as bad as yours.
My friend and I were in softball our freshman year. It was like one of the first games out of town. We were on the junior varsity team, but we rode the bus to away games with the varsity team.
Anyways, we were coming home and we were eating ham sandwiches. This was when my friend and I quoted Napoleon Dynamite nonstop. Well, one of the quotes we were saying was, "Tina, you fat lard, come get your ham!!" We said it A LOT. Not to mention, my friend and I are losers and we were sitting at the front of the bus where the coaches sit.
Let's just say the varsity coach's name was Tina and she was kind of a fat lard.
2007-03-02 15:38:50
answer #1
answered by m-to-the-p 3
I was to do a presentation for one of my courses, i got up from my seat all decked out and looking so hot, while i was making my way down a flight of stairs to the podium(in the lecture theater). I fell from about the 9th stairwell and rolled straight down to the podium, got up instantly without looking behind me and ran straight through the door in shock and ebarassment:) the class was dying with laughter :(
2007-03-02 15:40:53
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
well, this is really embarrasing! I am 14, but last year, i got my period...i didn;t know it was coming...and i was wearing white pants to school, in the morning, i saw it, and used a pad, but it BLED THROUGH!!! Ths was the worst day..luckily, i wasn't made fun of too much! LOL, that was the worst day ever!
2007-03-02 15:30:41
answer #3
answered by MEOW 3
My bra snapped in class. And a cute boy sat in my row. No one knows what happened yet. Thank goodness!
2007-03-02 15:30:47
answer #4
answered by ♥Penguiin♥ 5
too many to name but probably when my dad would answer the door in his under ware?
what a kook
2007-03-02 15:31:34
answer #5
answered by Addie B 3
my dad answered the door to some jehovahs witnesses while naked. They never returned and it was embarrassing...but funny
2007-03-02 15:34:38
answer #6
answered by Step into the Freezer 6
well, it wld be ramming your head onto the train handles, bar, infront of cute guys in the train.. oh man. i had to control my laughter! i looked so stupid then.
2007-03-02 15:35:13
answer #7
answered by gurl 2
i was goin to say sumtin but it'll same so lame compared to your story :(
2007-03-02 15:38:35
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
friend pantsed me and everyone could see my thong
2007-03-02 15:31:09
answer #9
answered by christine ann 1