Hi, I am 16, and I am in Grade 10 and a guy, and I listen to Femme Metal (metal with female vocals like Nightwish, After Forever, Epica, Tristania, etc...). Over the years, I noticed that at my high school, that no guy listens to female vocals and and 95% of the girls don't either. A lot of guys have said to to me "only guys can do Metal, not girls". Which really pissed me off, and this applies to EVERY single guy at my school. Is this ever going to stop? Why is it happening? Why can't these guys admit that they are sexist?
I don't mind if people don't like the genre of music. But to to make fun of it just because there is a different kind of vocal in it? I mean, some people in my school don't like music with screaming in it, but they will admit it nicely. But whenever I ask ANYBODY if they like female vocals (even girls), they go into this huge "spazz", and say "EWWW" or "are you gay?!".
It just doesn't make sense to me.
1 answers
asked by
Moudy F
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