It's a hard question to answer. Of course, we'd all like to smash Hitler's face in with a hammer, and we'd all like to save everyone he killed, but the theory is that who knows what might have happened if you saved all those people. Yes, children would have been born that weren't born because the parents died. But who would THOSE children have been? Maybe one of them could have turned out to be something that was WORSE than Hitler. (THAT'S the theory.) Anyway, they say just to not mess with the past if you were given an opportunity to go there, because you don't know what the results would be.
2007-03-02 15:20:06
answer #1
answered by Jess H 7
Yeah, I don't get that some people wouldn't have stopped Hitler if they could because it would change the course of history, either. And I agree with you that more people would be born if Hitler hadn't killed so many Jews, gypsies and others. but on the other hand--refering to birthrate only, if the population density was much much higher, then the population would be more susceptible to disease, or famine. The short answer is: we can never know every possible consequence of our actions or inactions. Thanks for asking an interesting question
2007-03-02 15:22:28
answer #2
answered by preciselyright 3
If you had the ability to time travel you would have to be very,very careful, the damage to the time continuum could be catastrophic! You could even wipe out your own existence. You can't judge historical events based on your own morals, that would be a "fools folly" People can use history to avoid past mistakes if they look, and study hard enough. I have given time travel theory some serious thought, my conclusion is simple, it would be great to see history in the making, but, you could never interfere with what has been, and what will become.
Lets say a person went back in time and put a bullet through the head of Adolph Hittler, at say the age of 18, who knows, they could return back to this time and find that North America is locked in a global war with Europe, or even worse! again who knows!
2007-03-02 15:52:49
answer #3
answered by J B 2
Well I have thought alot about time travel and changing historic events. I have to agree with people say leave the past alone. Altering the past could alter me right out of existence. I have had a very good life. My feeling is we saw what Hitler did and how he did it. Let's make sure it does not happen again. And beyond that what can we do to make life better for those who still bear the scars of what Hitler did physically and mentally. One thing we know is saying yes to rulers without questioning their intentions is a bad thing. What circumstances in today's society remind you of what happened in Nazi Germany? What do you think you can do to solve today's problems?
2007-03-02 15:27:49
answer #4
answered by Pluto Corsini 2
It's a very interesting question!
There is a really interesting story I read about a Jewish "attendant/sondercommando" guy who was forced to work at Auschwitz seeing the victims into the gas chambers and later clearing out their bodies.Of course he suffered terribly knowing what was going to happen to these people....once in a while, he would see someone he knew from his earlier life, too. One day, his former Rabbi was among the people going into the gas chamber to die, and he admitted to him what was going on, and asked him how could God allow this. His Rabbi was furious with him, and reminded him not to question or challenge the will of God, that it was not his place to understand God's plan.
2007-03-02 15:25:56
answer #5
answered by papyrusbtl 6
Triple H, i hit upon him an uneventful wrestler who needs to get out of the corporation, he doesnt have many strikes the two decrease than cena he in simple terms married stef for 12 titles, he needs to be a midcarder, he's taking the identify from extra amazing wrestlers like side or randy orton, he replaced into extra effective as a heel yet i in simple terms dont like him all around as a heel or face, he's likewise impolite to different wrestlers interior the back and hates extra effective wrestlers than him randy and side, he loves vince and if he didnt do stef he could be a washed up no person
2016-10-02 07:26:00
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I understand exactly how you feel. Past cannot be changed. Unfortunately many Hitlers are roaming around freely today. We have the opportunity and we should use the present moment to stop them from killing innocents now.
2007-03-02 15:33:38
answer #7
answered by Smart Indian 4
its sad .. but the same story goes over and over in history ... even countless lives lost at hiroshima and nagasaki .. or the hundreds of thousands of iraqi lives lost ... or the million or so babies killed by sanctions against iraq before the war even commenced .. .. and what about the evident plans to invade or strike iran .. how many lives will be lost there and for what good reason ...
2007-03-02 15:21:39
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Here's what I think. The people who say they wouldn't have stopped the slaughter of innoccent men, women, and children are retarded. How could you approve of genocide? Well, not you personally. The people you are talking about.
2007-03-02 15:24:08
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I am pro-Hitler than BUSH
2007-03-02 15:27:13
answer #10
answered by shaikhmohdmusa 4