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Almost every person I meet claims that their kid has ADHD!!! I'm sorry but that is ridiculous. If your kid is being bad then they need a good whack on the behind, not a trip to the dr. to get drugs to turn them into a walking zombie... Yeah, no wonder they behave... have you ever had a dose of downers stong enough to put you outside of your own body?!?! I'm sure there really is such a thing as ADHD... but maybe just like 1 in 100 kids or even 1000.... not 1 out of 2 kids.... I think parents are just lazy and don't disipline thier kids. If you have 6 kids and 5 of them are on meds then maybe you should stop reproducing if you aren't going to create a useful member of society. If you look around the world today at all the idiotic kids you need to think to yourself... man, these kids are the future of our world. Does anyone else feel the same way.... I know there's going to be alot of pill pushing haters here but maybe it'll make you think before giving your kid that pill in the morning.

2007-03-02 15:08:47 · 4 answers · asked by jessidawn_69 3 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

I am talking about how parents would rather drug their kids than raise them. I've seen way too many people not bother correcting their kids in anyway.. they use the excuse.. he hasn't had his meds today... I had some kid throw a trash can on my car and that's what the mom told me the reason was... that he didn't have his meds!! then she adds that she has 8 kids and he's the worst of the bunch.. Then my neighbors 5 year old caught her kitchen table on fire in the middle of the night and she said it was cause he didn't have his pill before he went to bed!! I think it's people like that that are taking it to extremes. By the way, my son is 8, straight A student and very well behaved cause I have raised him to respect himself and others as well. He still gets to be a kid and get into things and have fun but he doesn't destroy people's property while having fun. I just think people need to put a little more thought into things before medicating their kid. What did they do in the old days?

2007-03-02 15:39:15 · update #1

4 answers

Because parents nowadays are LAZY.. plain and simple, you didn't hear about kids having these "made up diseases" 20 years ago. My kids are 6 and 11 and they are great, they do good in school and behave. I constantly get compliments from strangers on how well they behave. I so agree with you!

2007-03-03 02:28:05 · answer #1 · answered by Fuzzy 3 · 1 0

You are going from extreme to extreme.

Your point is well taken in regard to the discipline provided for children. I do not mean punishment. I mean a lifestyle that teaches self-discipline- goal setting- cause and effect- routine....etc. Those things that have often times been lost. Family's are not as tight knit, as it once was- The parent doesn't know parenting skills because their parents were not very good.In addition, I have known several physicians that were too quick to write a prescription.

On the other hand, there are children that clearly have this disorder and benefit from the medication. But, this medication must be coupled with counseling and certain parenting skills that must continue much longer than the average child. These children tend to be 1/3 less emotionally mature than other children. This disorder is often seen in children with other disabilities as well.

It is clear that many children in this country are out of control. The violent crime rate is an example of this- The schools are overwhelmed with discipline issues. It is a very frustrating issue.
Identifying the problem is easy, finding working solutions is difficult.

2007-03-02 15:28:53 · answer #2 · answered by kskwwjd 3 · 2 0

You should do alittle more research before you judge. I am not lazy and my child is very well behaved , and yes he is on meds. Mon-Fri every morning. He is to the point he knows his own body and knows if he needs it or not, so some days he needs it some he doesn't. I am thankful that there is something to help my son. He is a A student is involved in sports and very well behaved. He knows that the"pill" helps him and he feels better about himself. Call me a pill pusher if you like but we are a happy and well adjusted family. We know it wont last forever and if it does he is prepared to cope with it as he does now.

2007-03-02 15:26:29 · answer #3 · answered by kattychat57 2 · 0 2

My child has ADD and takes medication everyday. Having ADD before medication was a struggle everyday. It affected her schoolwork, her home and social relationships. My child was not a behavioral problem, she didn't need a "good whack on the behind" and her medication doesn't make her a "walking, zombie", we struggled for years with the decision whether or not to try medication. I'm a caring responsible parent and I hope you never have the misfortune of having a child with emotional or behavioral problems, because your ignorance would render them useless in society.

2007-03-02 15:29:40 · answer #4 · answered by flow_mj 3 · 0 1

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