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2007-03-02 14:54:59 · 21 answers · asked by robertkeightley 2 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

im asking this as a follow up to a question i had where i asked "would you let a man babysit" to which i got some very interesting answers. Most said no

2007-03-02 15:03:23 · update #1

21 answers

I would question your assertion on the basis that there are many forms of abuse and that it is not black and white. I am not trying to justify anything but a look at the abuse of orphans by nuns in Irish catholic orphanages was rife for decades and was swept under the table as recently as the last decade - Sinnead O'Connor was practically thrown out of the US for trying to raise awareness of it but she went about it the wrong way.

Child abuse is a heinous crime and no mercy should be shown to people who do it but to single out men as the main culprits on the strength of some peculier notion borne out of a couple of newspaper articles or Fox news or whatever is wrong. I have been in many places in my life where I have seen children being beat around the head by their mothers because they were "Playing up" Women have killed their children because of " Depression" Prisons are full of women who happily take drugs or alcohol or smoke during pregnancy or leave their children at the mercy of strangers so that they can go off out and have a "Good " time.

Maybe before you make sweeping statements you should specify exactly what type, or catagory, of abuse you mean before you get on your high horse about how women are so incapable of cruelty, please get your facts straight.

2007-03-02 15:54:57 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Me and My wife both work, I watch my kids at least 4 days a week. I do not abuse anyone!
Where do you people get these stupid questions? Check your facts next time, it is 68% of the time that a women cheats on her man that causes break ups. back off and leave the Men alone!

2007-03-10 20:13:54 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

its women doing the abusing. women are NOT nice nurturing human beings. WOMEN ARE WICKED PEOPLE AND THEY SHOULD NOT BE TRUSTED! i think men are more patient than women. women about getting that high profile job, trying to look good for another bimbo on the street, they let crack use them. they put a man before the childrens needs. and most of all. women shouldnt be allowed to have children, it should be a law on that matter. too many women have children for all the wrong reasons. bush shopuld pass a law where women shouldnt have childeren until they get a college degree and a good paying job to support her brats. i am a anti- woman human being just voicing her opinion on stupid american women in the USA

2007-03-09 18:18:31 · answer #3 · answered by @@@@@ @ 1 · 0 0

I think alot of men are jealous of children. Deep down inside ma bey men regret the fact of having to share love,spotlight etc. so their way of feeling better is abuse. women on the other hand are very grateful just to have children and love them sooo much is would physically hurt them to think of their child being hurt or abused by anyone. I am speaking generally by the way.

2007-03-09 20:40:27 · answer #4 · answered by ryan_dobson 2 · 0 0

i personally feel that these men that abuse have usually been abused as children themselves or its been some lack of attention or love from being kids there again they may well be bad humans i wish we had the answers as its a sad world

2007-03-10 10:14:50 · answer #5 · answered by butterkist44 1 · 0 0

maybe the whole power thing plays a big part in it. it would seem that men crave power and control far more than women,and one of the things with abusers seems to be having that power to control someone smaller and weaker.They seem to work in the same way as any bully.

2007-03-03 20:06:47 · answer #6 · answered by Ramona 3 · 0 0

I would not feel comfortable leaving my children with a man (besides their father) Women are maternal. We carry these children in own womb, so we understand the importance of caring for another's child like our own.

2007-03-08 14:22:31 · answer #7 · answered by laceywat1 3 · 0 0

Woman carry the child within for 9 mths and have a stronger bond in my opinion

2007-03-02 22:58:02 · answer #8 · answered by Zoey 5 · 0 0

depending on what type of abuse, i would say that women are 'generally' born with a 'maternal' instinct
2ndly, control (ie the stronger of the sexes)

one cant help but wonder why u ask this tho!

2007-03-02 23:01:19 · answer #9 · answered by huniluva 2 · 0 0

Go to wickopedia. by far the majority of abuse cases are males.
I know, it bothered me to. But let's face it we are more agressive. I think it was like 90% of abuse cases were done by males.

2007-03-02 23:00:32 · answer #10 · answered by Steven 6 · 0 0

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