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India has 10,000 years of History a\, it produced Hinduism and Buddhism and buddhism is gifted to the whole world, India is the biggest democracy and one of the fastest growing country,already fourth largest country in the world, but still many people have no idea about India. Why.

2007-03-02 14:33:02 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

4 answers

all i know is that India has given rise to some of the most gifted programs Microsoft has ever seen.

2007-03-02 14:55:43 · answer #1 · answered by Trid 5 · 0 0

India is a very traditional country. Taj Mahala, and other places are worth seeing. very populated though. average earning for a person a day is 2 rupees which is very low. I love bollywood movies and songs. i think people don't have an idea about India because It's still a 3rd world country. Its very populated but does not have enough resources for every one. Also the fight between India and Pakistan over Kashmir been going on for such a long time (53 years I think) that people are just over it. One thing India is good at is cricket but most people here don't even know what that is. Pakistan won the last match though....lol this guy who plays for your team Raul David me and my little brother used to call me Raul Rabat, no idea why but it was funny.... good luck! ;)

p.s bad things include the temple city there are widows every where with no where to go and nothing to eat. Ganga river is so dirty now that it smells when you go to visit it, the water is all muddy and there are people bathing in it.

2007-03-02 14:47:27 · answer #2 · answered by Love Exists? 6 · 0 0

You may not want to hear what I've heard about India. But you asked, so here goes: I've heard that India is very dirty, millions of people everywhere. People defecating anywhere they happen to be. Bathing in a filthy river that has a lot of sewage and dead bodies. Priests that walk nude throughout the country receiving handouts and hospitality from people. Women being burned alive. Much prejudice against women. Visitors dying from illness after visiting India. People going blind because of bad health care. Many beggars. I could go on with more, but you probably don't want to read this much.

2007-03-02 14:45:35 · answer #3 · answered by papricka w 5 · 0 3

because people have got a stereotyped idea about india from the U.S.A. that india is ugly and unwrothless when it realy is not like that.

2007-03-02 14:36:59 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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