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But why do USA goes after china and pakistanis who are enemies, chinese want to dominate USA all the time, Pakis get money from USA government to work against Al qaeda but pakis secretly work against USA, many CIA and British,NATO leaders have confirmed pakistanis work against USA.
On the other hand India is Biggest Democracy and most secular country and in its 10000 year history has never invaded other country wants US friendship but US government ignores it.

2007-03-02 14:19:13 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

6 answers

Why would george want an ally who has no experience invading other nations?

2007-03-02 14:23:09 · answer #1 · answered by Smiley 5 · 1 1

I'm not a diplomat and don't speak for the US Government obviously. But.....

1. China is both a strategic and economic challenge to the USA in terms of holding large currency balance surplus as well as building itself up as a military presence in Asia and the Pacific.

2. Pakistan --- in two words Al Qaeda.....

3. India - I think the USA still is getting over the tilt India had toward USSR during the cold war. Now, though, there are strong economic, cultural and people ties between USA and India. As India gets stronger in the region, economically and politically, USA will certainly pay more attention to India. The business community already is - government will follow.

2007-03-02 14:24:14 · answer #2 · answered by DLeibowitz 5 · 6 0

is very truth That USA pay the pakis to help the us in terrors.the difference is that thaws terrors are created by the USA,so they get the $$$,and they do not help the USA,because us create troubles all over the word ,the bush make this country to be the weest country in the planet.and believe mi is going to get worst

2007-03-02 14:35:17 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

there is this one highway via my homestead, the fee decrease is 25 by way of a city, yet as quickly as you get out of city it is going as much as 40 5 and there are like 12 indicators that say so, yet I swear human beings do no longer are attentive to it because of the fact I continuously get caught in the back of those that are using 40....and that i'm a pink neck so Icontinual a evade Ram, stunning great truck, i've got get this theory that if I ram those small little vehicles they're going to speed up. will no longer be able to assert i've got ever incredibly completed it, yet i've got maximum definitly been close some cases. heavily, stupid human beings piss me off and there are various stupid drivers in my neck of the woods.

2016-12-14 09:22:47 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think we all are aware that the Pakistani's hate the USA and it's residents. Maybe India needs better ambassadors to the US.

2007-03-02 14:28:36 · answer #5 · answered by papricka w 5 · 2 0

Man you Indians sure have some pretty women. And they're all so smart. Yes, I think India is a trustworthy and a peace loving country.

2007-03-02 14:28:12 · answer #6 · answered by soulguy85 6 · 2 0

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