If everyone was paid equally...then...i would be a video game tester.......cause it's fun and plus you get paid the same as a neurologist or w/e....but economically thats not possible...to divide up wealth equally would result in basically no income for the government to spend as...there could either be as much as w/e you say x the number of ppl in the world..plus if babies are born everyday then when they get a job what would happen..divide the money between everyone on the planet..but wouldn't it cost money to get over to a common place to exchange the money and make sure everyone gets paid ...the same..
2007-03-02 12:03:46
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Although everyone is the same in that we all have pain and insecurities, we all experience those things differently and are all unique. While people can be treated the same on a broad spectrum (ie not judging others based on race, religion, gender, or socioeconomic background), every individual person is different and on an individual level those differences need to be acknowledged and respected. People cannot all be treated the same, because they are not all the same. Read the short story "Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., and you will see what will happen if everyone in the world is held to the same minimal standards and not allowed to express their uniqueness.
As for whether everyone was paid equally for whatever job they did, that is essentially a form of communism, and we've seen how well that works. If someone who goes to college for 4 years and then to medical school for another 7 years to become a doctor is going to be paid the same as a dishwasher, why go through all the expense and time to get the education to become a doctor? If a lawyer working 80 hours a week is going to be paid the same as his firm's receptionist working 40 hours a week, why make the extra effort?
Equality is achieved in how you view the world - having compassion for other people and realizing they're no better or worse than you DESPITE any superficial differences such as jobs or paychecks. Forced economic equality is not the same as true equality, and only breeds resentment, discontent, and ultimately conflict.
2007-03-02 12:17:53
answer #2
answered by Fire Horse 1
By definition you cannot have a world without "geographical boundaries". Everyone cannot be "Equal" because everyone is different, with different talents, strengths and weaknesses. As far as paying everyone the same for whatever job, just who is going to do the paying? Who is going to enforce the rule that everyone is going to be paid the same? The idea is communistic, and just a communism hasn't worked in the past it would not work in your scheme either. The reason for that is you need someone to be "in control". Those people will be "more equal" than the ones they enforce the rules on. If you are talking of putting Love in the place of money, that is a ludicrous idea because love is an emotion and money is a convenient substitute for carrying a chicken around with you whenever you want to exchange it for something else you want. Live on earth is about change, otherwise it would die from stagnation. Change means upheaval, thus no peace and harmony except for brief interludes between periods of evolution to another state of being.
2007-03-10 02:31:03
answer #3
answered by Wiz 7
Being paid equally sounds more like socialism/communism. The problem with being paid the same with any job would have its benefits of having no social classes, etc. However, think of how a doctor with a Ph.D. is getting paid as much as a elementary school teacher. The current generation would say, "Hey, I can get paid the same regardless so there's no point in going to med school all the years of hardwork to become a doctor when I can just become a teacher." People would want to start earning earlier so they will spend less time at school at getting educated. So all those important high paid careers that affect our lives (i.e. we go to a doctor if we're sick) would just decrease. Then there would be such a high demand for those once low paying jobs and competition would increase regardless of the equality.
I totally am all for the love and social equality. But as I thought to consider the cons (as seen from history), I realized that there will always be the people who work hard and want to while there are people who want to slack off. And the people that work hard would never be rewarded for their efforts until they themselves want to start slacking.
There is just so much equality that is possible in this day of age. Sadly we are far from ready to diminish the social classes and boundaries to welcome 100% equality. Even though it would be wonderful and make the world a better place, it's just not possible. People have tried that with communism and no country ever got to the stage where the government is able to let man rule themselves.
2007-03-02 12:16:51
answer #4
answered by ... 3
Before proceeding, I think I should point out that an ocean or a mountain range is a geographical (geographic?) boundary so, whether you believe in them or not, they exist. But basically this is a dumb idea because no work would get done, people, not everyone but a significant amount, would just choose easy and not crucial jobs. Why farm, which is hard work, when you can be an accountant even if you don't have a degree. You wouldn't need a degree though, because all taxes would be the same, or not exist if you ran things I guess.
2007-03-02 14:18:51
answer #5
answered by patdacat115 2
Umm....communism? And most people would stop putting forth effort - what the heck, get paid anyway, right?
It's a nice thought, though, isn't it. But there's too much evil in the world and that's going to louse up your plan.
What power do you see putting LOVE back in it's place? Chaos won't go willingly.
The earth will be restored and love & peace will be in all the earth, but that's after evil is destroyed completely & permanently. But then, most people don't want to hear about how that's going to happen...
2007-03-02 12:17:58
answer #6
answered by V 5
Equality is not possible by the efforts of humankind, nor would it be desirable. Total equality would be absolute boredom. There would be no competition, thus no contests, no competitive events such as all sports,etc. Equality in all things would mean all foods would be the same, no diversity in eating, however junk food addicts would be oblivious as none have ever tasted a real nutritious meal, and would not be able to discern delicious organic, nutritious food, if they consumed it. As you suggest, that we put LOVE back in its place, means that we put GOD back in place, because LOVE is GOD, and GOD is LOVE. Faith is simple for me, in that humans have nothing to offer except a dead end, whereas a believer in GOD has faith, and faith is the substance of all things hoped for, and the evidence of all things not seen. What if Christopher Columbus did not have faith that our planet was round, rather than the common belief in his era that the world was flat? A simple analogy! Life is an ongoing enigma, never ending, infinity is too vast and beyond our limited human comprehension. All of our challenges prevent us from ever having equality. Take care. John C.
2007-03-02 12:26:39
answer #7
answered by john c 5
Don't hold your breath! The whole world is about change, diversity, expansion and will continue that way mimicking the universe. Some people just LOVE riding a donkey, others prefer a sports car. It is their life, not yours. Geographical boundaries help to encourage this variety. Figure out what you would like to try for now and go for it.
This play is for the long term.
2007-03-08 04:52:54
answer #8
answered by canron4peace 6
Being human we are on the same plane and exist as equals, but equality in life is not only non existent, it's unrealistic. There will always be things that separate the masses from the individual such as money, fame and intelligence. Still, it doesn't change the essence that gives us life, and in my opinion, that is what makes us equal.
2007-03-09 08:41:05
answer #9
answered by sustasue 7
I love your idealism...when do you think your sleeping pill will lose its effectiveness and let you wake up from your dream?
I agree with you...I would so love to know that all boundaries are down. In truth, I cannot see it happening...there is too much greed, selfishness and dishonesty for that to ever happen. sorry :(
2007-03-08 03:14:53
answer #10
answered by missellie 7