The USA won WW11 because we had great leaders,, and the American citizens were with their president (FDR),,,
we can't win George W. Bush's war in Iraq,, because it was morally wrong, lying to go to war,, he keeps claiming he supports our troops on the ground,, what about after they come home,,, who will support them now,,,,
In Afghanistan we are losing because all our troops should have been there in the first place,, instead of hovering on the border of Pakistan,, the Taliban have been regrouping all this time that we have been bogged down in Iraq,,, and, Musharraf standing with Bush, in the American peoples White House,, trying to sell his book,,, good god almighty,, who couldn't see through that piece of work?
after the Bin Laden attack on 9-11,, the Bush team knew they could not stop him so they ran in another direction,, the wrong one,, like the fraidy cats they are,, "good ole boys",, trying to do the job of MEN,,,, CLINTON TRIED<< BUSH LIED,,,,,
The Bush doctrine is failing,,, George W. is a foolish man,, Dick Cheney is worse,,, their Fascists,,,, Republicans keep wanting to follow them into damnation,, more mistakes are occurring now... today,,, as I write.......... as you read,,,,
Wars usually happen because of a lack in communication,,,
we all know that this president is not a communicator,,
he is a divider that wants to be the decider,, the US dictator,,
he talks to God, but does he listen,, or learn,, NOOOOO!,,
War is Hell, especially when your losing like the US of A,,,
I wish it were different,, wishing won't make it so,,,,
and the reality bites....
2007-03-02 12:11:02
answer #3
answered by Anonymous