they're both awful
2007-03-02 10:47:10
answer #1
answered by Boop 7
Both! But since you asked for one answer... Telling her that you hate her. If you hit her, that would likely be out of nothing more than rage. Hatred is much deeper than having a bad temper... Still though, what a horrible question! Hopefully no one will be doing either...
2007-03-02 10:56:58
answer #2
answered by Lomar M 2
Tell her you hate her-Words are more painful. Sometimes actions can be less awful, like when you are mad, at the spur of the moment you hit. But most of the time words. Just what I think.
2007-03-02 10:50:18
answer #3
answered by sobaz 3
You must think you hate her right now. We all felt like that at some point growing up. But 30 years from now, after you have seen her for the last time, you will remember alot of crap you said and did to her that hurt her. You can remove your hand from her cheek but you will never/she will never forget something so hurtful that you said.
2007-03-02 10:56:43
answer #4
answered by ? 7
Hit Her because if you hit her she already knows you hate her, you don't even have to tell her
2007-03-02 10:51:25
answer #5
answered by Peacen 3
Hit her is really bad but I think telling her that you hate her is worst. I am sure she would feel horrible if you said that you hatted her.
2007-03-02 10:49:11
answer #6
answered by Xica25 3
both is bad
you have full control of whether you want to hit her or not, but you don't always have control over hate. so i say hitting is worse than hating.
2007-03-02 10:50:13
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
i think telling her u hate her is worse. if u hit her she might understand but if u tell her u hate her its just bad and it could scar her for life.
2007-03-02 10:54:14
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Hate is way worse I think. Although both are really bad no-no's.
The Syko Ward
2007-03-02 10:47:45
answer #9
answered by The Syko Ward 5
I think both are pretty bad. But I think it would hurt your mother more if you told her you hate her. No mother wants their child to hate them.
2007-03-02 10:59:24
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
If your a child and it s spur-of-the-moment thing, I think "I hate you" can be forgiven. But she'll defiantly remember that you hit her.
2007-03-02 10:50:07
answer #11
answered by the cat's pajamas 2