Sure, teach a young child that it is "normal" to have two mommies or two daddies. Then when they ask where babies come from they will be nice an confused!
When a child learns about homosexuality it should be taught by the parents, not some liberal teacher with an agenda.
BTW, when is religion taught in school? Humm - it isn't!!!
2007-03-02 09:54:04
answer #1
answered by ? 4
We can certainly teach about religion, how the Sunni/Shi'te split in the Islamic world continues to affect the world today, plus the enormous suffering due to Protestant/Catholic split in Europe.
Likewise, the presence of homosexuality is a real, documented fact. I do not recommend prosleytizing it, but rather educating people about facts.
Putting up a nativity scene though, or a tablet of the Ten Commandments, and you are "establishing a religion" Public schools are part of the government, and thus cannot have an approved or favored religion - read the 1st amendment. Unless you want to put of plaques to every religion, including Wiccan, Islam and Native American beliefs.
So, we can discuss religion, but we cannot state that we approve of one over another. Remember, the Constitution of the United States provides that there can be no religious test for any office in the United States.
2007-03-02 17:58:23
answer #2
answered by John T 6
I don't see teaching homosexuality as a mandatory subject, in fact if you read the article the judge merely said that parents can't restrict what is taught. Good heavens, we don't want the kids hearing anything controversial, do we?
The nativity scene should be obvious to any one. It is a specific religious icon and by the constitution the government cannot promote a religion. Suppose that same school system put up a Muslim display that specifically showed the Prophet in a religiously significant event. Would you support that?
I think not.
2007-03-02 17:56:32
answer #3
answered by iwasnotanazipolka 7
Religion is an abstract thing which is based on people's beliefs and there is no real proof that any of these varying beliefs are any more factual than another. It would be impossible to teach all the religions without prejudice.
Homosexuality is a condition and it is a hard cold fact that it exists. Children have a right to know what they may be confronted with. There used to be a lot of controversy over just sex education.
2007-03-02 18:04:53
answer #4
answered by don n 6
Anything that has to do with religion is always up for debate. On these sort of issues of what "offends" people, the liberals win. It's either them or the small minority that is truly offended. I find it funny how it is often the adults that have nothing to do with the school are the ones who are offended when it tends to be the students and teachers that are in the schools and are not offended or are indifferent.
2007-03-02 17:54:30
answer #5
answered by Maggie 2
You do realize, don't you, that there is no correlation between your two examples? That's like comparing apples to giraffes.
There is a huge difference between forcing a public religion on everyone - namely Christianity and it's fairy tales - and teaching human sexuality which is a fact.
Human sexuality exists and is a fact, the existence of a god of some sort is a belief and cannot be proved as fact...that's the difference.
2007-03-02 20:22:46
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
since others have covered it well in other ways,i'll try a different approach. religion is a choice,homosexuality(which at some schools may be taught about) is not. both are equally real,but different. you may want to check everywhere in the US before making generalizations. in our school district,they don't even teach about homosexuality or religion in school. in most schools they actually teach little beyond passing the proficiency test.
2007-03-02 17:59:46
answer #7
answered by b 5
Both are taught in schools. Ever heard of comparative religion classes? Get over it.
2007-03-02 17:47:17
answer #8
answered by ArgleBargleWoogleBoo 3
the difference comes in when you base it in reality
Like the reality of the bill of rights and the constitution which protect people from a state religion (fascist)
and the reality that the bill or rights and the constitution do not have any mention of gay bashing.. (although i'm sure you wish they did)
2007-03-02 17:50:47
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
once again the libs continue to say freedom "from" religion. how hard is it to understand, seriously. Just admit wanting to change this country quit hiding behind blatant lies and/or stupidity
2007-03-02 18:09:17
answer #10
answered by CaptainObvious 7