Most people have seen a variety of movies, staples include The Princess Bride, Sixteen Candles, Pretty Woman, Citizen Kane, Apocolypse Now, Breakfast at favorite old classic is Imitation of Life.
Some of the new stuff out worth noting is The Departed, Little Miss Sunshine, Employee of the Month, and Marie Antoinette
2007-03-02 09:06:57
answer #1
answered by KT Richter 3
When you say 'Classics' what do you have in mind, cause that covers a lot of ground. Or eras.
Gone with the Wind, Casablanca, Citizen Kane- these are classics, but they're old Hollywood classics. They're from what is known as 'The Golden Age of Hollywood'.
Modern Classics can include anything made during the 60s onwards, like The Godfather, or Star Wars or Silence of the Lambs.
You also need to pick a genre- Comedy maybe? Or Drama?
Here's an excerpt from this book I have called '1001 Movies To See Before You Die'. Of course we really cant see all 1001 of them, but these are good titles (and the year it was released) to start with. Have fun!
Snow white and the seven dwarfs 1937
The Adventures of Robin Hood 1938
Bringing up Baby 1938
Mr. Smith goes to Washington 1939
The wizard of OZ 1939
Gone with the Wind 1939
Ninotchka 1939
His Girl Friday 1940
The Philadelphia Story 1940
Citizen Kane 1941
The Maltese Falcon 1941
Double indemnity 1944
Spellbound 1944
Notorius 1946
its a wonderful life 1946
All about Eve 1950
Sunset Blvd 1950
A streetcar named desire 1951
The African Queen 1951
Roman Holiday 1953
Gentlmen prefer blondes 1953
on the waterfront 1954
Rebel without a cause 1955
An affair to remember 1957
Vertigo 1958
North by NorthWest 1958
Psycho 1960
Breakfast at Tiffany's 1961
West side story 1961
to kill a mockngbird 1961
The graduate 1967
Cool hand luke 1967
Bonnie and Clyde 1967
BUtch Cassidy and the SUndance Kid1969
A clockwork Orange 1971
Willy wonka and the Chocolate factory 1971
the godfather 1972
the sting 1973
chinatown 1974
the godfather part 2
one flew over the cuckoo's nest 1975
The Rocky Horror Picture show 1975
Carrie 1976
Taxi Driver 1976
Star wars 1977
Annie hall 1977
Saturday NIght live 1977
The Jerk 1979
the shining 1980
the empire strikes back 1982
fast times at ridgemont high 1981
ET 1982
return of the jedi 1983
Scarface 1983
Amadeus 1984
This is Spinal tap 1984
The breakfast club 1984
back to the future 1985
Top GUn 1986
The princess bride 1987
Moonstruck 1987
fatal attraction 1987
Big 1988
Dangerous liaisons 1988
Rain man 1988
Batman 1989
when harry met sally 1989
say anything 1989
dances with wolves 1990
pretty woman 1990
edward scissorhands 1990
thelma and louise 1991
the silence of the lambs 1991
JFK 1991
jurassic park 1993
pulp fiction 1994
forrest gump 1994
four weddings and a funeral 1995
toy story 1995
clueless 1995
seven 1995
the usual suspects 1995
trainspotting 1996
scream 1996
titanic 1997
saving private ryan 1998
there's something abt mary 1998
fight club 1999
american beauty 1999
sixth sense 1999
the matrix 1999
gladiator 2001
meet the parents 2000
crouching tiger, hidden dragon 2000
Amelie 2000
moulin rouge 2001
The Lord of the Rings 2001
and for more recent picks, Little Miss Sunshine and The Departed.
2007-03-02 09:14:26
answer #2
answered by ginger ♥ edward cullen 4
The Usual Suspects - One of the best films ever.
Shawshank Redemption - Phenominal movie
Hopscotch - Relatively unknown comedy with Glenda Jackson and Walter Matthau
The Green Mile - Another Stephen King book done beautifully
American Beauty - The great Kevin Spacey
Forest Gump - One of the Best
Godfathers 1 + 2 - Classics 'nuff said.
Anything by Alfred Hitchcock - All classics
Anything Monty Python - If you like British humor these are bibles to life....
There are too many more but these will get you started
Good luck!
2007-03-02 09:04:05
answer #3
answered by scooby 2
Blade Runner - Its a sci-fi movie based on androids and the right for life.
Breakfast at Tiffany - is based on a beautiful lady who searches the meaning of love.
Blue Lagoon - based on 2 lost children who grow up along side nature. puberty kicks in they are faced With mixed emotions and urges they don't understand.
When Harry Met Sally - 2 people who build a very complex relationship from hate to friends to lovers.
Dead Poets Society - a teacher who inspires freedom of speech and self expression in a world of conformity.
2007-03-02 09:15:17
answer #4
answered by Lucy 1
Step 1: Go to this site:
Step 2: Click on a tab in the upper-left side for "Top Movies" and find one you like.
Step 3: Buy or Rent it and enjoy a good movie.
2007-03-02 08:55:09
answer #5
answered by Nater 1
Just recently saw Hollywoodland and Running With Scissors. Both are good, Running With Scissors was kinda bizarre though!
2007-03-02 08:52:07
answer #6
answered by ♥☠Madame Joker☠♥ 7
Gummo. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Child's Play. Evil Dead. Classic.
2007-03-02 08:50:39
answer #7
answered by !!joinCampaignforLiberty!! 4
Trailor Park Boys just came out
Borat is out march 6
2007-03-02 08:50:22
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
well first of all i don't know what classic movies are but like i know what scary movies are good. hills have eyes is good. saw 3 is also really good.
2007-03-02 08:52:12
answer #9
answered by gizzel mcfrizzel 1
Well ask to borrow their DVD's, or ask them what they've watched and catch up.
2007-03-02 08:50:48
answer #10
answered by Anonymous