I consider myself a republican, but I'm just one hair past moderate. On some things, I'm very strong republican, but when it comes to the major issues in the media, I'm more democratic, apparently.
For example, I am in no way shape or form christian, so I don't hold their values, but I hold strong in my beliefs (Native American). I have no problem with abortion, gay marriage, or stem cell reaserch at all. I'm fully behind the union, being the daughter of a Ford employee (although I'm not to hot with Ford at the moment itself. The union's likely the only reason Dad still has his job).
However, I believe in low taxes, and that the government should let the people, for the most part, fend for themselves and earn their benefits. I can't stand handouts. I was against Affirmitave Action even though I'm elligable for it! I'm behind the death penalty 110% and even want the process to go faster and branch off into child molesters and rapists as well.
As for the war, I was behind it at first, and now I don't really know what to think as more and more is coming out about it. I still maintain my respect for the president though, and I would show the president the utmost respect, regardless of which party he was from. I'm a highschool student, so I hear a lot of mindless Bush-Bashing from people that are so politically ignorant that they don't even know who the Vice President is.
I know that was confusing, but I hope it sated your curiosity.
2007-03-02 12:49:15
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I vote for the person not the party. The sad thing is most of the choices are bad so it is becoming a decision of who will do the most harm. Believing in finishing what we start (Iraq) and putting the blame on the generals and sec of defense instead of those on the ground, I favor giving commanders a produce results or get out choice. The US has to carry the load for the world because the pacifist have taken over Europe while Russia and China are waiting for us to collapse.
2007-03-02 17:37:50
answer #2
answered by mr conservative 5
Libertarian. In essence, I see the pros and the cons of both major political parties. I choose to side with the best of both of them. Though they tend to both be quite radical, if they'd just see the best in each other and strive to achieve those goals, we'd have a much better political climate.
For example:
1. Quit out-sourcing, create jobs here in the states.
2. Quit sending BILLIONS to countries for "financial relief" and start focusing on taking AMERICAN men, women, and children out of homeless situations.
3. Welfare reform. It's a flawed system when a married Mexican couple comes here without having their marriage recognized by the U.S., bring every family member they have, reap ALL the welfare benefits, and make more babies. Give the single, "white", impoverished male a chance, will ya?
4. SEPERATE CHURCH AND STATE. It's in the constitution, let's try it for a change.
5. Grant equal protections for ALL. This would include adding "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" to the non-discrimination clause NATIONALLY.
6. Let the gays get married. What's it going to hurt?
There are a few others, but those are the main ones.
2007-03-02 16:57:20
answer #3
answered by Danielle 2
Classic Liberal - I vote Progressive Democrat and have in every single election since I turned 18.
I believe in the Constitution and our Bill of Rights.
I am a staunch anti fascist, so therefore I am against secretive, wide sweeping power of the office of the president.
I respect the civil liberties of ALL Americans.
I am a firm believer in the seperation of church and state. We are not a theocracy, and we never have been. Allowing one religion the opprotunity to initiate the laws of their religion makes us just as bad as the Taliban, or any other country with strict sharia laws.
I vote anti war / pro peace
pro choice
pro women's reproductive rights
pro enviroment
2007-03-02 17:52:49
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
For the longest time I thought I was a Republican, since I voted both times for Bush, the second time was because there was no other choice. Bush has shown me the error of my thinking. Now I'm for neither party, since I believe that with only a two party system supported by our government, it leads to a more corrupt governmental base.
2007-03-02 17:11:30
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Independant. Neither party is particularly attractive now adays. They both advocate excessive government (in different ways). Neither really is interested in preserving our freedoms (for different reasons). Both have totalitarian leanings (the Democrats are pretty simple totalitarians, in the model of the absolutist, the Republicans are fascist --meaning they have a highly nationalist agenda with a serious religious bent--with an oligarichical bent).
2007-03-02 17:01:50
answer #6
answered by teflaime 2
The parties have been morphed over time..
What one party thought was thier platform the other has borrowed and visa versa..
I guess for the most part
Republicans - Conservative Politics - Top down economics (support big business) - Weaker on the environment - Christian values - Racial equality in government (against affermative action) - Support civil liberties such as the right to bear arms - against social programs (seen as beaurocracy)
Democrats - Liberal Politics - Bottom up economics - Fight for the little guy - stonger on the environment - percieved as being weaker militarily - Support civil liberites such as freedom of speech, religion, womans right to choose, etc. - Support social programs such as education, welfare, social services etc.
I'd say that is basically it..
A strange trend has been that most people believe that Democrats are less fiscally responsible because of their social programs but Clinton left the nation with a budget surplus whereas Bush has buried us back in billions or trillions of dollars of debt becuase of his tax cuts (which favor the already rich) and military spending (To invade Iraq, War on Terror)
Personally, I am a moderate but i lean a little more Democratic because I think that everyone deserves a fair shot at equality (socio-economic equality) and many poor people are born into situations where they are unable to achieve this..
I hope that explains it for you Kendall
2007-03-02 16:48:53
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I am the rarest of birds. I am what I refer to as a conservative-democrat. I am pro choice. I am for the worker as opposed to the employer. Business is important to me, but not at the expense of the labor that makes it happen. I believe the govt. should be in the BUSINESS of helping those who need it, and should provide for the well being of the society. However, I have reservations. I believe in a preemptive attack in defense of our safety. Iraq was not that. But if the situation did arise, I would support it. I own guns, and I oppose any action to limit my ability to restrict their possession, use, or any action to register them. This, of course, is in exception to anything that makes us OBVIOUSLY safer. There are few examples of this though. I believe in smaller govt., however, do it more efficiently. The ratio to dollar spent to people helped by that dollar is VASTLY out of whack.
2007-03-02 17:15:32
answer #8
answered by walkerml1973 1
I am independent-agreeing with Anthony M that parties hurt us.
Parties are more like a team that you belong to these days.
I used to lean Republican, but they have now betrayed what I considered to be their most important values-limited federal gov't and greater personal freedom. As the Dems lean more and more toward pseudo-socialism the Reps are leaning more and more toward pseudo-facism.
2007-03-02 16:48:10
answer #9
answered by Showtunes 6
I am independent, although my views lean to the liberal side on social issues, and towards the conservative side on fiscal issues. That's kind of the exact opposite of our current president, so I'm not a real big fan. That and because of the whole clusterfuck going on in Iraq right now that he's responsible for.
2007-03-02 16:45:54
answer #10
answered by dennisjohns23 3