Let me make this perfectly clear, George W Bush has committed impeachable crimes. They are as follows:
1) crimes against humanity
2) annihilated our Constitution
3) gone against the Geneva Convention
Plus, a slew of other crimes that if any of us had committed them, we would be in jail.
The reason for him not being impeached yet? An investigation is ongoing on Bush, jr and Cheney. Bush, jr for his crimes and Cheney for Haliburton and the 6 million missing dollars that are unaccounted for. Once the investigation is complete, then the next step comes into play. Impeachment has been put before Congress, so the probability of jr being impeached his very high.
2007-03-02 08:30:14
answer #1
answered by Cheryl P 2
The US doesn't recognize the International Court, so he'll never be put on trial for war crimes unless we are conquered.
As for impeachment, do you really think a Republican majority would impeach their own party member? Of Course not.
The democrats have been in control of the house for less than 3 months. If there is going to be a partisan impeachment, it will take some time.
2007-03-02 08:19:04
answer #2
answered by Vegan 7
This is such a tired question. President Bush hasn't committed any crimes, excuse me, not even "against humanity". Former President Clinton is a liberal icon, I understand that, but Perjury before a Grand Jury is a criminal offense. You cannot demand impeachment because you don't like someone or you disagree with him politically or even morally. Now try and ask questions that are relevant.
2007-03-02 08:29:45
answer #3
answered by rosi l 5
Essentially, for two reasons.
First, there is a clear lack of "credible" evidence of impeachable offenses or crimes. I know it is hard to accept, but allegations and accusations from Bush-Bashers are not viewed as "credible evidence".
Second, the Dem's don't have the necessary votes. While they could probably get articles of impeachment through the House, they clearly lack the votes necessary to oust Bush...particularly when there is no factual basis for the "charges".
2007-03-02 08:26:22
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
He the two has a God-like complicated or is a Hitler-wannabe. Cheney is his little good hand imp and all of us else that sings their praises. How can all of us who calls themselves American take a seat returned without care interior the international without questioning their President and have not any voice is previous me. we could consistently have had them out on their ears good after 9/11. in case you look on the info and the consistent coverups and scandals interior the White abode over who did what on 9/11 is obvious they comprehend who......themselves!! ask your self why FBI or whoever the brokers have been that took surveillance digital camera photos of the attack on the Pentagon from interior reach companies yet won't launch to the familiar public how or why it got here approximately could make you think of....and that they only allowed one digital camera working on the front to the Pentagon with the incorrect date on it whilst the Pentagon is the main look after laden place with cameras and sensors everywhere. it fairly is the fortress Knox of all homes so a techniques as risk-free practices tiers yet they don't enable all of us comprehend something. ask your self how can the twin towers explode into airborne dirt and dust and loose-fall in onto itself right now all the way down to it fairly is footprint from the small fires and the attack above that did not final very long. Has there ever been any steel/concrete construction ever give way so flippantly from hearth harm? NO. besides the incorrect construction collapsed first. Plus, WTC 7 collapsed the comparable way. They on no account divulge this interior the 9/11 Comission document. It became all planned from interior by potential of Bush and Cheney and Rice and all who kiss their you comprehend what's for economic and political earnings. The blackouts in ny and powerdowns of all cameras and bomb sniffing canine an evacutations of workers interior the towers and bldg. 7 until now 9/11 gave an stunning style of get admission to for those employed from interior to place detonation instruments interior the main appropriate places to be monitored and activated from a secure area as quickly as all human beings became of their places with their stupid interest faces on. The President and his imps have taken the lives of many people who day and it hasn't stopped ever in view that our troops have been long gone. It has to stop someplace, sometime.
2016-10-17 03:08:04
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
There's no evidence to prove that Bush lied about WMD. In fact, there's quite the contrary-a stock pile left over from the Gulf War (still lethal, btw) was found November of 2005 and reported on CNN radio news. As for Clinton, there was an actual basis for our accusations. "I did not have sexual relations with that woman." Brain fart?
2007-03-02 08:43:45
answer #6
answered by Evan S 4
Because he has not committed any crimes.
Look, I'm no fan of the man, but give me a break already. Impeachment is not supposed to be abused the way it was with Clinton. It's not a tool to remove a President from office simply because you don't agree with his policies. It's a very solemn process which shouldn't be taken so lightly. Bush hasn't done anything illegal. He certainly has enjoyed pushing the limits of his authority, and he's gotten a huge kick out of doing things which push the limits of morality, but there is no law he has broken.
If he had, I'd be the biggest cheerleader for impeachment. But he simply hasn't.
2007-03-02 08:22:28
answer #7
answered by Bush Invented the Google 6
Evidently because the Democrats can not get their act together and Impeach the Ba$tard so that he can be tried for his war crimes and other crimes against the American People and hung accordingly!
2007-03-02 08:21:39
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
At this point, it is better to ride out the rapids and wait until salvation comes in 2009. Basically, Bush is lame until then. He has a Congress that will question his every request and look at all previous policies with a suspicious eye.
2007-03-02 08:26:23
answer #9
answered by Jackson Leslie 5
He has not committed an impeachable offense.
There is a difference between telling a lie and being misinformed. Which one applies to you?
2007-03-02 08:26:34
answer #10
answered by C B 6