I would say 1% of people who come to Britain are genuine 'asylum' seekers (ie those who have been persecuted and are not able to return to their country)
Freeloaders freeloaders freeloaders freeloaders freeloaders. Its a good job im not the prime minister or work in customs.... thats all i can say
ps Dan- i am well educated.. i just dont like paying my taxes for the benefit of half of Europe and the Middle East
2007-03-02 07:45:53
answer #1
answered by Shellie 3
Go to college and get an education so you don't sound so ignorant. Send them to America, here we are more open, educated and not so racist. Who would want to live in Britian with Prince Charles in the first place?? He is a jackass. I can't believe the way he treated Diana, and now this whole McDonald's thing when his son was seen at the place! I feel sorry for the people of Britian.
2007-03-02 07:42:23
answer #2
answered by Dan M 2
i have two opposing points here,
1: when looking at yahoo answers looking at the questions i am shocked to see how many people say i want to move to England what are the benefits like over there,
2: i believe it is one world people should be allowed to live anywhere
sorry if this dosent help i just wanted to say it, thank you
2007-03-02 08:43:46
answer #3
answered by vici 4
I can not answer a question if one is not asked. You have good ideas, but without the question, what the responders are to focus upon is quite the problem.
--That Cheeky Lad
2007-03-02 17:04:47
answer #4
answered by Charles-CeeJay_UK_ USA/CheekyLad 7
Well like JENSTER_H says, welcome to our world, but do we really want a world full of Red Necks, KKK, Bible Belt tub thumpers, oh and yes plenty of mexican jokes as well. I think not.
2007-03-02 07:52:17
answer #5
answered by claret 4
You must be an immigrant, your spelling is awful. Do you have a question to ask?
2007-03-02 07:40:52
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Fair enough, but what is your question?
2007-03-02 07:41:40
answer #7
answered by Curious39 6
welcome to out world. Britain. (the usa)
why do you think we have a million mexican jokes here?
2007-03-02 07:39:37
answer #8
answered by Jenster*is*flipping*you*off 6
welcome all
2007-03-02 07:43:26
answer #9
answered by Anonymous