My old room was quickly a sewing room after I moved out. My husband's, an office. Cut the apron strings. You can always work something out later if she truly needs you. She can't have her cake and eat it too!
2007-03-02 07:36:47
answer #1
answered by D Marie 3
well I am a mother too of a 26 daughter and she is out on her own, and I also have a son who is 31 and this is how I look at it. My father never let me move back into his house because I had the brains too continue on my own, when I did move back in he charged me rent. No you are not wrong. She is grown and if she wants her room back then she must pay. Don't allow her to take advantage of you. If she has a job, yes charge her rent in a manner that she can still save her money to move out. Give her a time limit to how long she can stay. But as far as saving her room and you need the money, let her know that if she wants her stuff to stay in the room than she can pay the rent for her room. But as I am standing by my own rules now that I have my own children that my son can never move back home because he is a man and must make his own foundation to be the head of his own home, I will let him come home for only 2 days and after that he must go because he is a man, but my daughter can come back as many times as she wants because she is a woman to be protected from abusive men. But if she has a job she will and does pay me 125.00 a month.
Make a wise decision and if she is doing good on her own in and she wants her room to be saved than she can pay you for it.
2007-03-02 07:53:06
answer #2
answered by reddie 3
Sounds like your daughter's being a tad selfish. If she's a student, then yes, keep her room as she will be back once school's over. However, if she's working, she has 2 choices - move out and pay a stranger rent, or - stay home and pay mom! Simple no? My son's moved out on his own and its brought us closer together. Doesn't do any harm for kids, once they reach a certain age/stage in life to become completely independant, pay their own way through life and take TOTAL responsibility for their own actions. If she wants out but wants a safety net, that tells me she really isn't ready to move on an emotional level. Leaving the nest isn't easy. Its a scarey world out there but if she moves, she'll be fine. Tell her you'll always love her and be there for her emotionally. Also let her know that the extra money you need by renting out her 'old' room is not by choice, but by necessity.
2007-03-02 08:36:31
answer #3
answered by Happs 1
I say if she is grown enough to move out on her own, then you are definitely grown enough to do what you want with your home.
Tell her that if she wants you to keep it like it is, she should pay the rent that you would be asking from someone else. After all, she doesn't live there anymore!
Really, since you are the parent, you don't have to explain anything to her at all. But you could just simply say that you need the money, and if she isn't willing to pay it, you have to get from someone else!
Just be careful of who you rent the room out to. People today are getting crazier and weirder!
Hope this helped and hope all goes well! ♥
2007-03-02 07:36:22
answer #4
answered by ♥LadyC♥ 6
Maybe she just wants to know that regardless of what will happen, she'll always have her small safe corner. But given that she's 20, she's probably mature enough to just get over it if you rent the room (especially if you need the money).
And, to answer your question, I think neither of you is wrong. She sees this as a liaison to the family, and you, on the practical side, want to value the space. Try to show her your point of view, and make her see you understand her too.
2007-03-02 07:37:40
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Its an emotional decision to keep her room. Logically and legally the house is yours thus the room is yours. You may do as you see fit. If you really need money and renting helps ease the burden, then you should. Sit down and talk with her in these terms and she should understand. Even if she doesn't now, in the long run she will understand when she is paying her own bills.
2007-03-02 07:37:37
answer #6
answered by Soho 2
That is not wrong of you it is your house and you need the money rent out the room have a nice day all her belongings should go with her anyway.
2007-03-02 07:35:52
answer #7
answered by monte the man 4
Well, she is looking at it like even if she moves out that is still her "home" the place where she can always go if she needs to. If you rent her room out she can't always just come home, she has no room. I can see where she is coming from, but at the same time if you need the money that bad then you have to explain to her that you just can't afford not to rent it out.
2007-03-02 07:35:34
answer #8
answered by Rawrrrr 6
Is your daughter paying rent now for the room? If so, is she willing to continue to pay for it while she is gone. If so then there is the money. If not then it's your home and if she is moving out there is nothing that she can say.
2007-03-02 08:03:16
answer #9
answered by Kat G 6
What happens if she has a major set back and has to move back in with you?? You rented the room out so she has no place to stay. 20 is pretty young and she might have to come back. Say she do have to move back in would you let her and if so where would she sleep. Would you kick your roomate out so she can move back in. Think about that. GOOD luck hope everything works out
2007-03-02 07:37:16
answer #10
answered by Im just tooooo freakin cute 2