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This is not a long question.The question consists of 5 lines! the rest of the lines are just translations!
Hi all.This is an Iranian website where you can find 171 new Iranian albums (Persian music),74 American, 55 Turkish and 38 Arabic albums. www.sarzamin.org I've put some of the links for Iranian songs for you in here with translations.you can just click on the albums and download the songs for free.Iranian music is not Arabic or Eastern.It's a different sort of pop music. plz tell me what you think of Persian music after listenning to them.plz don't answer before listening to at least one of them.Thanks a lot.
(Panjareh) (the window)
When at sunset, the rain hits the (window) glass
All the sadness in the world is in my chest
In the rain drops, my choked voice breaks (intrupts)
I don't want anything but a window anymore
I sit down behind this window and sing
I wait for your arrival under the rain
Under the rain, waiting for you is very different
Sounds like I love you more when it rains
Sometimes when you come, you put your head on my shoulder
You take all the sadness away from my heart
But this is only a dream, a dream behind the window (glass)
When I'm awake, sadness sits down in my throat again (I become sad again)

(Booseye Baad)(the wind's kiss) (Listen to the club mix version) http://www.sarzamin.org/Sarzaminmusic/Persian/128KB/Siavash%20Ghomayshi/01_%20Boosaye%20Baad.mp3

The kiss of the autumnal wind whispers to the lonely leaf unmercifully that you'll be the victim of the autumn
The new green leaf loses its green color, it drowns in the kisses of the wind and the horror of the new days
It (the leaf) abandons the tree and wanders around in the alley (becomes homeless), an alley that is the reminder of the gone and futile days
It (the leaf) sits down in the corner of the alley, stares up at the sky, thinks of the past, and feels pity for it (with sadness)
(It thinks of) the days that the alley was under my body's shade, and the kind lover tree, loved the smell of my breath so much
My share of the wind's kiss, what can I say oh my gosh, was all getting yellow-colored and faded, and dying and being forgotten

(yaade man baash)(keep me in your memory)
you left (me) and your memories have sat down in my mind
without you I'm the prisoner of the impossible wishes (ambitions)
you didn't keep me in your memory (you didn't think of me) but, I broke in the memory of you
I didn't fall in love with anyone but you, (because) you're far from me
sing with me and think of me, think of me (keep me in your memory) without any excuses
when the moon is awake, think of me with all your love
if you be (with me), it is possible to pass the (unfortunate) events
and) it is possible to learn how to burst into flames, in the fire of your love)
if you're away (from me), if you're not (with me), (at least) be the breath of my cry
till the end of the world, forever, keep me in your memory (think of me)

(Dastamo begir) (hold my hand)
Drizzling rain, chik chik and chick chik (the sound of raining)
Large eye and tiny tears
I'm twisting, you're budding
Your beauty dances with me
Hold my hand, there's nothing to be afraid of, once more, again
Hold my hand, I'm looking forward, I don't have anyone but you
Hold my hand(x8)
You're impatient, I'm restless
I don't want anything from you but love
I'm steebed with your love
My worthless heart is disturbed because of you
I who am a lover can't endure without you anymore
Hold my hands, I love you as much as the whole world
I can't bear it anymore
Hold my hand (x8)

(Vaysta Donya) (stop world)
I'm tired cos my eyes are so rainy
Then untill when my heart's going to be a guest in the space of sadness?
Bearing so much sadness is enough for me
Useless fight for everything is enough
When there's no use in it, why would I grieve?
Why would I simply die because of the false loves?
I don't want to paste the tag of "for sale" on my heart
I don't want to be guilty of not having a love
I don't want to go on the twistings and turns of this road aimlessly
To become a prepared log for everyone's fire
To become a low, empty and pride creature
Stop world, stop world, I'm going to get off
(World) you spinned and spinned us so much, what was the usage of all that?
Tell us who won the "permanent chance ticket"?
Everyone is dervish, everyone is mystic, then where's the place of the lover?
There are so many telismans and spells, what about praying?

2007-03-02 07:24:18 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

3 answers

not bad , but quite different from Euro or American style pop music!

2007-03-02 07:34:09 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

it rather is a survey, my expensive. a million. Bones. Bones. Bones. Bones. Bones!!! 2. intense college. 3. "The Hundred secret Senses" by skill of Amy Tan. 4. popular: corn. Least popular: asparagus. 5. photographs. 6. Hunter. 7. eleventh- quickly to be 12th in 4 days! 8. On college days, I awaken at 5:30 am, and on weekends, i'm generally up by skill of 8:30 am. 9. lady. 10. valuable.

2016-09-30 02:58:13 · answer #2 · answered by fogleman 4 · 0 0

dude, you have too much time and too many points to waste. you asked the same question like a million times! why?

if you have too much free time could you do my university work and email it to me! lol

2007-03-02 11:28:37 · answer #3 · answered by Mohammad 3 · 0 0

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