I believe that is very fair; they exhale toxic smoke that others in their vicinity need to suffer through, and have no choice what air they breath. The air is everyones, and to pollute it for selfish reasons is simply unfair.
If they are in such a need to satiate their nicotine addiction, they can just as easily chew tobacco and spit it into a pop can. Chewing only affects them, not the rest of the people around them (though its still disgusting).
2007-03-02 07:20:31
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It is absolutely fair because it involves other people who may not wish to share in the experience. I could care less if a person smoke a million packs a day as long as it doesn't involve someone else who doesn't wish to do the same thing. This is a issue of a persons rights but not the smokers rights.
As far as the pollution from cars and trucks are concerned, yes its just as bad if not worse. But it is something that is to big of an issue to even get started on before personal pollution. There are still politicians that deny global warming. Does this mean that because people suffer the same way because of a different cause and they choose to go after the easier to solve problem first that the whole idea should be thrown out the window? No it doesn't.
Look by all means do whatever make you happy as long as it doesn't involve an unwilling participant.
2007-03-02 07:17:29
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
It's fair, and I'm a smoker saying this. I don't even smoke in my house, because my sister is pregnant and she lives with us. I at times argue with my mom about smoking with her bedroom door open because my sister would be in the other room smelling it. I smoke in my bathroom upstairs with the door closed and window open so that the smoke doesn't breeze through the door. I'm courteous in public too. I don't smoke in restaurants that allow it, I smoke outside. If some people are near who don't smoke I walk away. It's not that people are being forced to inhale smoke, it's just some people don't ask others around them if it's ok to smoke with them standing there. I ask, and many don't mind but then some do, so I either don't smoke or find a different spot. It's not hard for me. I go some days without smoking, but I do smoke.
Krazy Libra
2007-03-02 07:18:43
answer #3
answered by krazy_libra_from_ac 5
No I do not think that it is fair to ban public smoking, this is the U S of A, and you are not forced to be around smokers you consistently inhale polluted air so if you ban public smoking you should do something about the plants that are polluting so much of the worlds atmosphere
2007-03-02 07:23:59
answer #4
answered by Willie G 1
It should be banned with all the latest information regarding second-hand smoke. If smokers want to light up they should wait until they can be in a place where the smoke doesn't effect non-smokers. The fact that they have a need for more nicotine that must be satisfied is part of the addiction. "If you want to play, you've got to pay".
2007-03-02 07:25:30
answer #5
answered by liberty11235 6
I don't think it is that fair. I am a smoker. I have no problem if they want to ban smoking in restaurants or in bars. I don't have a problem going to a designated smoking area. However, there is talk about banning smoking from outside, and smokers will only be able to smoke in their houses and cars. I feel this is a little ridiculous.
2007-03-02 07:18:12
answer #6
answered by brooklyn152 3
Yes, I agree. It is bad enough that people smoke in the first place. It is bad for you. All of that nicotine and tar in your lungs will kill you. Non-smokers should have to breath cigarette smoke in public places. The smoke from the tip of a cigarette is more deadly than what a smoke inhales becayse the stuff from the tip of the cigarette is unfiltered. Think about it. There are ingredients in cigarettes that you would find in shaving cream and embalming fluid. Of course smoking in public should be banned. It is deadly for the people around it who don't smoke.
2007-03-02 09:16:27
answer #7
answered by liker_of_minnesota 4
I think it's fair. Smokers have every right to smoke, of course, but non-smokers also have every right not to smoke. Smoking in public forces second-hand smoke on people who may not want to be near it. Those who want to smoke can do so in their own homes.
2007-03-02 07:18:00
answer #8
answered by Not Allie 6
I used to fight before but now I say it in a nice polite way but with a smurk on my face like you have no choice that if someone smokes in front of me or the smell is too strong or whatever:
I start by punching and kicking a tree or a metal post sign.....if it is a tree is full with leafs you can hear as they shake.....if it is not you can see vibrations from the punching.....if it is a metal sign post you can see moving as if it was made out of rubber.....then I continue to say!!
" Hey you!, how would you like me to brake 7 bones in your body without a reason!! Can you stop making me smoke as a second hand or would you rather me break your bones so you won't be able to continue smoking?!!!!".
They usually put it out and throw it away and apologize immensly!! If a cop is around they usually will either approach and ask questions then I have to go into detail about my fighting training and how I practice everyday so no....I won't hurt my self unless I go full power but I only let go of myself if I am heating something reasonably soft like a person or if angry might attack a car that tryed to run me over but it only has happened once and I broke all windows and lights with my bare hands.......the driver followed me three blocks apologizing for the accident but since I was angry and only suffered a bruise in my upper leg I told him to run to his car and get lost before I lost my temper on him!!!
My friends told me I should have call the cops but I think paying for all windows and lights was way more expensive and the best I didn't get arrested for attaking anyone with that anger and strenght!!!
Look I don't mind if poeople smoke weed in front of me.....but yuck, Cigarrettes!!!!
It may sound like double standard but cigarrettes don't even taste good nor make you feel good.....unless you are already addicted to them, and plus I am allergic to them find out once I started to smoke and for a while was hooked sooo I was sick for almost a year.......it got as bad as I had to make the choice of getting a disease or stop and try to feel better again......I now live happy and don't have any effects unless someone smokes in front of me or the wind brings the smoke to me!!
2007-03-02 07:36:01
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Yes.. for the simple fact people want to enjoy there dinner and not have to inhale peoples smoke while eating or if they have asthma its not good either. My 5 yr cant be in places where people smoke or he goes into fits.
2007-03-02 07:16:25
answer #10
answered by Alexis221 4