Looks like Victor missed the short school bus again today and is home posting moronic crap on Yahoo answers.
2007-03-02 06:21:25
answer #1
answered by mr_methane_gasman 3
Write to your Congressman and Senators!
Not that it will make a great deal of difference. If you take a look at the Constitution, no where does it say that a President can be impeached because the party controlling the congress simply doesn't like him or his policies. It says he must be guilty of "high crimes and misdemeanors". Now, in order to find anyone guilty of anything, you are going to have to provide some facts. Facts, mind you, not anti-Bush sentiment or Democratic party talking points.
With your facts in hand, you then have to get a majority of Congressman to vote to impeach. The Dem's might be able to pull this off, but probably not. Once they impeach, you have to get the Senate to vote to oust the President. The difficulty there is that the Dem's don't have to votes to pull this off. They can't even get a meaningless non-binding resolution through the Senate!
I guess the long and the short answer to your question is simple:
But, thanks for asking.
2007-03-02 06:27:01
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
1) Patriotic Americans don't want to impeach President Bush.
2) We are IN WW III & have been for decades.
2007-03-02 06:21:22
answer #3
answered by yupchagee 7
I'm a democrat.. but I have to say I'm impressed that Bush has finally opened up to talks with Syria and Iran.. I was honestly worried for a long time about where Bush's policies were taking us.. and though I still disagree with 98% of what he does, I feel better about the middle east knowing that he has at least listened to the people on this issue.. as well as he finally has in North Korea as well. Though I would still like to find a way to get the troops home quickly and safely.. I no longer worry about him sparking WW III
2007-03-02 06:22:31
answer #4
answered by pip 7
"2 issues are countless, human stupidity and the universe, and that i'm no longer particular about the universe." Albert Einstein how a lot of those 40 5% proponents of impeachment do you imagine truly understand what the criterior is for impeachment? what number have self belief that if the president is impeached, it ability he's removed from place of work? what number particularly have self belief that a president could properly be impeached in line with performance and acceptance polls? it truly is truly ridiculous to save leaping on and stale the "Impeach Bush" bandwagon - all you receives is skinned knees.
2016-12-05 03:53:27
answer #5
answered by ? 3
Oh brother.
Yes, Bush wants to start WWIII, because we can all see how successful the Iraq war has been on him popularity, right?
You, and millions like you, have fallen for the most simplistic propaganda by the left, to scare people into thinking Bush is this fanatical religious maniac who's going to kill us all.
I'm not a fan of Bush, but it's idiotic to think he's going to get us into WWIII.
This is the same crap that the Democrats managed to make everyone think of Reagan during his presidency, and how did that end up?
With the fall of the Soviet Union. Hundreds of millions of people freed from oppression.
But some people never learn...
2007-03-02 06:23:54
answer #6
answered by dork 7
The only people with the power to impeach Bush are the House and the Senate, so, write your Congresswo/man and Senator. That's about it. Or go to Washington and protest outside the Senate.
Oh, and despite popular beliefs, breaking the amendments (1st amendment, 4th amendment, 5th amendment, 8th amendment, hello) does count as a high crime. I could probably come up with several more that he's violated but, to be honest, I don't feel up to the "arduous" task of going through all 27 to see which five or six he hasn't stepped on.
And that bull about the constitution only applying to the American people? Bull****. I vaguely recall it taking two amendments to ensure that "All men are created equal." encompassed people that weren't just white and male. Unless we've redefined "men" as "American", it applies to anyone that comes into contact with US law.
2007-03-02 06:19:03
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
The first step would be to wait until he commits a high crime or misdemeanor, as required by the Constitution. As much as it pains the left, "We don't like him" is not an impeachable offense.
2007-03-02 06:32:53
answer #8
answered by Rick N 5
THe conflict there is using the words "patriotic" and Impeach Bush".........there is nothing to impeach on, but you already know that!
2007-03-02 06:19:40
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
First, break out a copy of the constitution.
Next, spend about 24 hours studying it.
Third, spend about 24 more hours studying it.
Fourth, answer your own question.
2007-03-02 06:19:13
answer #10
answered by Anonymous