I think you need to report your master.
2007-03-02 05:57:36
answer #1
answered by TRUE PATRIOT 6
This is such an idiotic concept.
You can't get it from actual slaveowners, they're all dead.
You've no justification for demanding it of the descendants of slaveowners (some of whom are black, but that's beside the point) because the Union took their plantations away after the war, and sold them, putting the money into the treasury.
You've no justification for demanding it of the Federal Government, since that's money of all Americans, and a VERY small minority of Americans are descended from slaveowners. The majority of Americans arrived after the Civil War. Why would they owe YOU anything?
Even if it were possible to figure out who owes you what for your ancestors' work as slaves, its only fair that this amount be reduced by the cost of food and other necessities.
However, I'm all for it. I really am. You go right ahead and establish this precedent, because I am, like so many caucasian Americans, also descended from slaves. In the 1900's, my own grandfather was a slave in Canada, so if you win, I can pursue a claim against Canada, and I should get enough to fund a case against England, where my ancestors were feudal serfs, which is another name for slave.
If you meet any caucasians with a French name, they are descended from slaves. Anyone that wasn't a slave was a member of the nobility in 1789, and had their heads removed by 1792, so all French names are former slave names. They need someone to sue as well.
The same story is true in Russia, and Japan.
Just get over it.
2007-03-02 06:29:21
answer #2
answered by open4one 7
No, I do not agree with you. I know members of my family died in the Civil War fighting against slavery. Lincoln's real reasons may have not started because of slavery, but when Yankees fought in that war that was the common man's reason for doing so. You are not a slave, and your parents were not slaves, neither were your grandparents, in fact it is unlikely that your great-grandparents were slaves if my math is correct. Reparations are never going to happen.
2007-03-02 06:12:36
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Reparations for the slaves were paid when Lincoln bought Liberia from france as a new homeland so slaves could repatriate. But the majoity chose to stay. The issue is closed.
2007-03-02 06:01:07
answer #4
answered by Blanca W 2
Slavery was wrong. But neither you--nor any living African-American--was ever a slave. Most weren't even born when the Jim Crow laws were abolished.
What happened to your ancestors was horrible--but it does not entitle you to reparations--you were not the victim.
2007-03-02 06:02:12
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
While slavery was certainly a shameful part of our country's history, I don't think reparations are fair. For one, no black citizens today were ever slaves. Also, I feel it is unfair to charge the rest of the country with restitution for crimes they did not commit.
2007-03-02 06:01:43
answer #6
answered by RcknRllr 4
Hundreds of thousands of Americans, white Americans, fought a bloody conflict to a cause that freed all slaves in this country, gave their lives and limbs in the process, nearly 150 years ago brother.
2007-03-02 06:01:13
answer #7
answered by Firesidechat 2
No, because you were never a slave, and Affirmative Action has given all the reparations that need to be given.
2007-03-02 06:00:25
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
People will say that unless you, yourself, were a slave, you don't deserve reparations. And I agree with that.
But that must also mean that decendents of those who profitted from slavery should not be entitled to their inheritance. In fact, if you extend that logic, then nobody is entitled to inherit wealth that they themselves did not earn.
So, if you are against reparations, logically, you should be in favor of a 100% estate tax.
2007-03-02 06:02:34
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Yes, I think all the current slaves held in the U.S. should be granted freedom and paid reparations.
2007-03-02 06:00:59
answer #10
answered by snowball45830 5
What would paying you for what your ancestors went through accomplish? Put more of a strain on the people with jobs? Would you even be in America today if some slave trader hadn't brought your ancestors over here?
2007-03-02 05:59:30
answer #11
answered by Abu 5