Where were you in '72? Most of us remember...Bush does not... Google...Bush AWOL
It's now well established that George W. Bush never showed up for National Guard duty for a period of approximately one year, possibly more, in 1972-1973. Despite all the talk about "honor and dignity," President Bush has apparently flushed his down the toilet. President Bush went AWOL!! Cheney himself also received 5 deferments! Both of these men are “Chicken Hawks.”
"Those of us who were in the military wonder how it is that someone who is supposedly serving on active duty...can miss a whole year of service without even explaining where it went,"
said Senator John Kerry. (Source)
Bush says he's released all his records...if that's true, then has anyone seen:
Any pages from Bush's flight log Records from the Flight Inquiry Board convened after Bush was suspended as a pilot?
Any evidence of Bush's reclassification into another AFSC after suspension as a pilot?
Any photos of George Bush in a military uniform after 1972 ?
Anything at all from any Alabama unit with Bush's name on it ?
Any copies of form 44a from the Alabama National Guard certifying attendance?
Air Force Form 142 (Aviation Service Audit Worksheet) ??
Anything proving service (not just receipt of pay) by Bush between May 1972 and May 1973?
AWOL----absent for 30 days or less.
DESERTION-----absent for more than 30 days with evidence of no intent to return to duty.
Is he guilty of one or both? You can read the facts here and see clearly that he is. This is not the story of a search for missing records. We have the pertinent records. This is not a hunt for credible eyewitnesses and first hand statements. The officers involved have stepped forward. We have their testimony and we have the signed statements of those no longer living.
This is the story of how George Walker Bush walked away from a years duty while in the National Guard. And, this is the story of how he has thus far gotten away with it.
He quoted...
“I continued flying with my unit for the next several years”...
That statement is an outright LIE, which means the person making it is a LIAR. Indeed this is George Bush. When, precisely, did Bush or his unit receive the Air Force Outstanding Unit Award? Yet he wore it on his uniform. Bush is what you call a “Chickenhawk.” & Deserter.
What’s really disgusting about Bush & Cheney is how they can throw our soldiers lives away like it is no skin off their back. How they have lied to the American people about Saddam’s WMD... and how they have blundered their way through this meaningless war in Iraq. Here’s the story.. http://www.awolbush.com/
I encourage everyone to copy this answer to file and use it as many times as you can. Thanks for asking this question.
2007-03-02 05:54:57
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Why do you guys keep asking the same question over and over again.
Who are you to call anyone on here a chickenhawk, you don't know who has served their country and who hasn't.
Maybe you aren't even an American how does anyone know.
Drop the I'm a true American because I DIDN'T serve in the military attitude. It is disrespectful and ugly.
2007-03-02 05:45:12
answer #2
answered by snowball45830 5
How would a long haired freak like you or your ilk force 'chickenhawks' to die in Iraq? Would you support the Islamofascists to round them up, bring them to Iraq and behead them, or shoot them in the back?
2007-03-03 05:04:05
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Historically, people who believed in a war either volunteered for it themselves or sent family members to fight. A good example is Theodore Roosevelt. He was Assistant Secretary of the Navy when the Spanish American War broke out--and he could have not gone to fight--but instead he resigned and then created and recruited his own volunteer cavalry unit. During WWI, he encouraged that all his sons enlist; one was killed in battle (air battle; Archie was a flier).
In the past, people in power who were for a war were roundly criticized if their children did not don the uniform--Lincoln is an example of this: his son Robert only joined the Union Army towards the end of the Civil War.
I think that those who are for the war should show their commitment by putting their boots where their mouths are and enlist, following the example of TR.
2007-03-02 05:47:57
answer #4
answered by KCBA 5
I suggest to save money on using bombs we just light liberals on fire and drop then en masse all over enemy strongholds so that way they can all be slaughtered while telling the Muslims "I know your not a terrorist, I love your religion, I know you are a freedom fighter". And then carpet bomb and napalm whats left of it just to make sure no one gets out alive.
People who believe in the war don't WANT to die for it, but have enough honor to where they are willing to. Willing to risk life and limb for their family AND even for those liberals whom hate their country so dearly because they were raised by Yuppis and have had all the conveniences and luxurys in the world and they cant even wrap their minds around that fact that if the army didnt fight the enemys then the enemys would come here and do damage.
They really believe if we were isolationists and just sat here with no army that everyone would be caring enough to leave us alone.
2007-03-02 05:48:23
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
i imagine we think a diverse "love." actual intimacy. this isn't any longer extremely that major yet there are nevertheless those who preserve a real love, like dad and mom, and movie star toddlers. those style of people save humanity leveled, and practice what love truly is. the merely love on a philosophical foundation is unconditional love
2016-11-27 00:23:47
answer #6
answered by ? 4
I feel for the soldiers fighting this war. They are doing what they feel is right, despite the fact that they may have been deceived into fighting a secondary war as well. I'm sure however after all this time they are hardened to want to kill every last person who stands opposed over there.
Still, these idiots who proport to babble on and support Bush and the war have no idea what goes on there, the lifelong trauma that results, the many who die needlessly, and all the families there and at home, that are destroyed as a result.
I think that people are sensing they were lied to about this war, and it has to hurt tremendously for those who have lost loved ones, and who can blame them for being furious.
So it's completely disrespectful of those who say "send more". They should get off their duffs and go themselves don't you think?
2007-03-02 05:49:26
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Freaky, I already did my share. I volunteered before the draft, and served in the infantry from the Pearl Harbor attack all the way to Czechoslovakia. We lost more in one day than five years in Iraq.
Now tell us what you did, or are willing to do other than to show your cowardness.
2007-03-02 05:50:07
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Should the socialists who love the failed "war on poverty" be the ones to pay for it?
Were the lives of those who fought against Germany in WWII worth the sacrifice? Germany never attacked us.
2007-03-02 05:48:19
answer #9
answered by boonietech 5
who's forced to die in the war? Does everyone that goes to war die? nobody ever won a war by dying for his country. should those who oppose the war be blown up by the terrorist, or do you think they'd like you because you opposed it?
2007-03-02 05:46:14
answer #10
answered by Woody 2