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because i don't

2007-03-02 04:50:01 · 21 answers · asked by party4life 2 in Politics & Government Government

21 answers

I am 41 years old and can say, he is the worst President I can remember in my lifetime. (That is not just a partisan statement either, I didn't think his Dad was that bad). I have seen him turn our country, that was once a respected and admired "Superpower", into arrogant bullies. I have watched as Americans were lied to about the reason for war and how he took advantage of our patriotism to further his own vendetta against Saddam Hussein. What ever happened to our post 9/11 goal of catching OBL who Bush later stated was "not important". We now have witnessed the needless deaths of over 3000 troops and countless innocent Iraqis. Bush won his vendetta with the death of Saddam, but we as a country gained nothing but destroyed families, increased terrorist threats, the disrespect of the world, higher gas prices and a huge deficit. No, he has been an awful president.

2007-03-02 05:06:00 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

I agree with you. Bush isn't a president, he's a dictator. I thought this was the Republic of the United States of America where we had the right to privacy, the right to habeas corpus, great convictions, and a country of the people, by the people, and for the people. Now it is a country of the corporations, by the corporations, and for the corporations. You and I no longer have representation. You are missing the big picture and if things don't change back, you are going to wake up some day and wonder how you missed what was happening to your country.

2007-03-02 19:31:12 · answer #2 · answered by BekindtoAnimals22 7 · 1 0

i'm not a bush supporter so here is and unbiased opinion. He definetly isn't his father, but at least he has the balls to follow through with what he got us into. Is this a needed war, i don't know. i used to think not. But i've talked with groups of soldiers whom have returned from Iraq and they've all said the same thing, we may have not been introduced to iraq for the right reasons, but somebody needed to go in. THey've also said that the media doesn't report on the good things we've done for the country only the bad.

Anyways Bush isn't the best president we've ever had, but at least he's got balls. Clinton had some when they were on Monica's chin. How can people hail clinton after demoralizing the oval office. Is he the only president thats ever screwed around on their wife???? NO, but at least the others had enough common sense not to do it in the whitehouse.

2007-03-02 15:04:07 · answer #3 · answered by kyle_presley2002 2 · 2 2

Love him or hate him, I think we can all agree that Bush has brought a new level of public scrutiny onto our government. It would seem to me that people are about ten times more engaged in political issues and other important issues of the day than they were ten years ago before the internet. The internet has undoubtedly played a large role by multiplying our level of access to and exchange of information exponentially. Hell, in the early 1990's I couldn't even find out the names of band members without buying a cassette or joining a fan club by postal mail. Now I can research the effective ranges of common surface-to-air-missiles over coffee at home.

Think back and tell me that people are not more informed and more politically engaged than they have ever been before. (the 1960s don't count- people were rightfully engaged but not informed with many facts). And why? Because we have this crazy cracker in the white house who has forced us to question everthing our government does.

Perhaps 30 years from now, the leviathon of govt will be somewhat contained because Bush made so many people question it. I like the Libertarian strain within the Republicans, and sometimes I think that Bush is as "crazy as a fox"- in other words, he does much of this wacky stuff on purpose with long-term results of trimming government waste and tyrrany in mind.

If not, then I would agree that he is simply nuts. Something tells me that only history carries the potential to reveal which is true. So understandably, people are quite uncomfortable waiting for an answer to this question!

The Republicans have raised the usual creepy spectres of totalitarianism, religious fundamentalism, and authoritiarianism- without really crossing the lines or overstretching the draconian laws they have passed. I think it's just a sign of a healthy democracy that people are enraged- they should be. Perhaps the lasting legacy of Bush's presidency will be that people will no longer be so complacent about blindly trusting government. It's not like government corruption started with Bush. He was just the first one to be honest about it (in a sort of smirking, wink-wink, nudge-nudge, roundabout way).

I'm keeping an open mind. I won't lose any sleep whatsoever if Clinton wins, though I personally like McCain best. People are tired of Bush's monkey-business, and I think McCain's integrity and healthy mistrust of government will appeal to moderates and open-minded liberals.

There are some reckless laws on the books that have outlived their usefullness and are a bit dangerous- we need to kill those regardless of who wins the next election.

2007-03-02 13:40:22 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Well considering he destroyed the worlds perception of America and irrevocably damaged it, it doesn't matter to me as I'm not American...it should matter to you all, and a great deal, you guys have to live with the fall out.

When the American people can't even stand themselves, how do you expect other people to respect anything about America at all?

If you could only see the forest but for the trees.

Frankly I think the world has taken a step back and recognizes how dangerous this whole situation is to all of us...but there isn't much to be done but sit back and watch it all unfold.

It might sound cliche-ish but the future is in your hands....literally.

**Beautifully said Allessa**

Except for the war he's a good president...what the heck does that mean? Oh wait, he brought you health care, education (with that literate way of his) and rebuilt New Orleans...right.

2007-03-02 13:02:31 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

Good Lord NO..anyone who thinks he is is just plain dumb. Our country is the closest to a depression it has been in since the great depression. He is a crook. Plain and simple and I will be surprised if the American people do not call for empeachment. He is awful, spoiled brat that daddy put in the Whitehouse. Be glad when the fool is gone. He may be able to get a job at Wal Mart..hah..

2007-03-02 12:58:56 · answer #6 · answered by seeyes22 1 · 4 2

Never mind the fact that he doesn't know how to handle Iraq. He's in the process of fighting Iran. If we go to Iran we will have NO more troops left. Oh yea thats right. States all around the US are running out of National Guard troops. WHAT DO YOU KNOW!!!. THe president is stupid. I hate him I hate him. If you like him then you are stupid. YOU ARE STUPID. Just look at what he's done.

HE attacked the wrong country WOOOOPPS. Iraq didn't have alqueada people in it at all. Now its a terrorist hot spot. WTF.

Afghanistan had Alqueada. AND what do you know 90 % of the worlds opium comes from there now. THe alquadea didnt allow opium to grow there. THey shot people who grew it.

Now if you want to fight me about this I have a buttload of more disgusting facts about bush ...our president who can't read.

I hate him I hate hime i hate him i hate him i hate him HATE HIM HATE HIM HATE HIM

2007-03-02 13:16:58 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

Only dumb, uneducated puppets think he's a good President. He's probably the worst President of all time.

He's a liar which discounts his credibility in the 1st place. And although I don't necessarily think he's a crook, I think he surrounds himself with crooks!

2007-03-02 13:10:56 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

He is a good president sometimes but when it comes to the war he is not a good president.

2007-03-02 13:04:13 · answer #9 · answered by Kyla 4 · 2 3

The guy is horrible and a control freak. He wants to contol middle east, he wants to control women (anti-abortion) he wants to control school (no child left behind) he wants to control money (huge $$ going into war rather than helping countries)

This guy does not listen to reason, he has only one thing in mind and he does it with blatant lie and decite. Bush is a war criminal.

2007-03-02 12:59:01 · answer #10 · answered by Centered 4 · 4 2

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