Two of us streaked at a rugby match, we were pissed and thought it would be a good idea, until they caught us we were suspended from going to the stadium for that season....
2007-03-02 03:09:38
answer #1
answered by ryan_thorne 3
The last thing I did was a few of my friends were over and we were drinking everything. We were in my room watching a movie. We all ended up falling asleep. The next morning I was told I tried to pee on the dvd player...I have no idea what I was doing. Don't remember it. They are still laughing about it.
2007-03-02 03:11:06
answer #2
answered by ▒Яenée▒ 7
I was at the Lake Havasu in Arizona and me and few others were getting ripped on beer and Cuervo, so we decided to jump off a 50 ft bridge. Talk about exhillirating! Sure gave me quite the wedgie though, arrrrrrrrrrghhhhhh.
2007-03-02 03:07:35
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
One time after I joined the Century Club (100 shots of beer in 100 minutes) I found a parking ticket on my car, so I drove to the Police Station, wrote F*** You on the Ticket, and dropped it off at the Police Station. I passed out shortly thereafter.
2007-03-02 03:04:22
answer #4
answered by Art Vandelay 2
On my 21st birthday I was in the army in Korea at the enlisted mens club. There were Koreans making an ill attempt to sing American rock music. I let them know that they couldn't sing so they invited me up on the stage. I played a tambourine and sang Proud Mary. Everybody seemed to enjoy it though.
2007-03-02 03:06:08
answer #5
answered by Calill C 6
Must we go there again. I have never heard the end of some of the things that I have done and I can't say right now due to all the kids on P&S.
2007-03-02 03:02:59
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Let the girls out from under their wrap. At every concert I've gone to, except the last 2. Hubby has gotten touchy about me airing skin. And he paid for the puppies.
2007-03-02 03:05:25
answer #7
answered by LAUGHING MAGPIE 6
on my 21 b/day drank 6 long ice tea they taested realy good siting down, got in my car started to drive one block before home i made a left turn to my place and i passed out and hit 7 cars and
jumped someone lawn and hit there car side way and thats how i stoped. that was back in 87..i lived in REDONDO BEACH,CA oh man those cops do not mese around they put it in holiding cell utill my x husband came pailed me out..i went to court the judge send me to 90 meeting in AA i never left.i have been sober sinse 1987.
2007-03-02 03:14:23
answer #8
answered by Dove4ever 4
nicely, a minimum of you have fantasies of being a superhero whilst below the effect. i actually do fairly stupid issues, like walking as much as the wonderful finding guy i can discover and ask him how he'd desire to return abode with me.
2016-10-17 02:34:16
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I tried to ride the mechanical surf board at a club and fell on my @ss.
2007-03-02 03:03:02
answer #10
answered by ? 7