perhaps this is hell
2007-03-02 02:34:16
answer #1
answered by cool321steve 3
NO! If you don't believe in god, you wouldn't be questioning this. Religion is a way to scare and control the population and the world.Don't go by ONE book, read and learn everything. Have your own outlook.Knowledge is power! The truth is out there. The funny thing of it all is, religion is suppose to bring people together, but people are actually killing each other over religion. That is something to question and think about. No one is right or wrong.You need to seek you own truth. Don't believe in a book that has been many times???
2007-03-02 07:28:38
answer #2
answered by RAW AND GRIM \,,/ 4
Probably there isn't any type of life after death. After your brain stop working, you are gone. Religion (heaven and hell) are a way to avoid thinking about that. The bible is just a book that was written long time ago by people who though the earth was flat, you can't give them much credibility after that.
Hell or Heaven are what you make out of your life, while living it. If you make sure you and people around you are happy, you are already in Heaven. If the contrary, you are in Hell.
2007-03-02 02:40:07
answer #3
answered by Gui 2
Well if you believe in the bible then NO you don’t go to hell for doing bad things. You can't get into heaven by doing good things either. Its not about how good or bad you are. Its what you believe.. according to the bible. The only way to heaven is through believing that Jesus died for your sins and paid the price for all you have done. .. If you accept him into your heart to be your lord then you are saved. Again its not about deeds but whom you believe in. period. Of course once you have accepted Jesus. Then those bad things tend to fall away and are replaced by good. You are changed from the inside out not the outside in. you will still struggle and fall along the way but you are covered by the blood. Jesus said the only way to the father is through me. .. some people think they will go to heaven “because they are a good person”.. GOOD is all relative. They figure if they DO good then it will change the inside. Not true..
2007-03-02 02:55:17
answer #4
answered by Homer 4
I know i will not go to hell and I dont go to church either. I am a spiritual person, not religious! I really think that people put to much effort into religion these days. When you think about it, we are all worshipping the same person, right? A higher power, right? So why do people put so much effort into the name of the higher power, b/c that is what it comes down to in the end. I mean, just ask someone who is religious about theie higher power and then turn around and ask another person of a different religion. I bet you that their higher power does the same thing. They just have different names.....just think about it. Be Blessed!
2007-03-02 02:48:17
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
only truly evil people go to hell. my belief in my religion is that hell is not a place. the whole idea of burning for not listening to G-d was made up to scare people into listening to the churches. When a person 'goes' to hell, G-d stops theyre soul from existing imeditely when they die. this is a huge punishment because that way the peron can never be reincarnated, or go to heaven. they cease to exist. but ont worry. an example of someome who has had that happen to him would be hitler.what he did was as evil as ive heard of so far. ur safe if u definately do nothing like him.
2007-03-02 02:36:39
answer #6
answered by punkprincessgd_89 2
There is no place called Hell or Heaven, BUT when we die our soul passes over to another realm. There are 7 different realms in total and we go to one of the realms. The lowest Realm is dark and there is no light (love) there. Souls who have chosen not to love in the physical world will automatically go here because they have created surroundings on how the lived on earth. The same is said for the higher realms. The higher the realm, the more love and light exists there. we are all subconsciously trying to get to the highest realm (to be one with God).
So your soul will travel to which ever realm it is set for itself. The more love to show here on earth the higher the realm your soul will evolve to. You don't have to believe in 'God' to get to a higher realm but simply doing good for somebody else just to make their day and not yours is an act of true love and this will help your soul evolve.
Remember the most powerful force in all the world is love. It can conquer any evil.
So show compassion and love and be non-judgemental to all you meet and bring joy into their lives and your soul will receive the joy back 1,000,000 fold when it travels back to is chosen realm.
Much love
2007-03-02 02:37:57
answer #7
answered by Discover 2
hell is real a place i dont think smoking is the qualification about jealousy basically its important to repent to God we walk a daily walk on this earth every day i fall i lie ,argue fight ,etc the list is endless but i try to go back to God every day tell him im sorry for my sins and u really have to b sorry and get another chance and i hope ill go to heaven have a personal relationship with God
2007-03-02 02:38:32
answer #8
answered by ladyluck 6
ppl dont go to hell for smoking and drinking, unless they do it in excess. Why are u so scared of hell if u dont believe in God. And yes, sum ppl that go to church can go to hell, just cause u go to church doesnt mean your better then others
2007-03-02 02:35:35
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Everyone's done bad stuff (we've all sinned against God), and so everyone deserves to go to hell. However, God loved us so much that He gave his son, Jesus, so that whoever believes in Him will have eternal life. That's something you can be sure of.
2007-03-04 11:49:41
answer #10
answered by Isabel 2
Hell is a device cooked up by church and state so as to keep people in order.
So don't bother about it.
Just do what you think is right anyway.
2007-03-02 02:39:17
answer #11
answered by Tewks 2