Of course, I see what you mean. England was most courageous and tireless in it's defense. America put it over the top and gets a lot of credit. Actually, both countries love for each other is tested at times, but there is a strong bond between the two. Both are great societies. I hope England can survive the Islamic attempted takeover.
2007-03-02 02:18:31
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Look at it this way, the Americans may claim to have bialed us out, but they didn't take part in the Battle of Britain, Britain won that all by herself! And the Russians joined the war before the Americans did! Also, the Americans didn';t take part in the Battle of El-Alamein, but my grandfather who was a member of the British 8th Army Desert Rats certainly did, If anythign, America bailed the french out, and the french have been exceedingly ungreatful since!
2007-03-02 02:18:50
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Exactly. We softened them up sooo much beforehand and took a hell of a bruising in the process.. It's quite insulting to the Brits to say America won the war/s, they didn't endure anything like what we did.
As for France.. sure the US helped bail them out, but if we'd had our way they'd be talking german now.. :P (It's in a brits blood not to like the french as we were enemies for centuries). We helped them out of pity. lol
A ground invasion never happened against England in either of the World wars, as we fought so damn hard. I doubt they could have taken Britian even if we hadn't had the US' help, as Churchill said 'we will fight them on the beaches, in the streets, we will never give up' as was the mentality of every brit during WW2 no doubt.
2007-03-02 02:25:35
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I've never heard it put like that before but I like your style. Help to the British troops didn't really come till the end of 1941 so there was still over 3 1/2 years for them to be involved with which you have to be thankful for. However, America did not win WWII .... That was on the beaches by our brave soldiers and in the air by our brilliant Air Force out-doing the Luftwaffe.
2007-03-02 02:20:14
answer #4
answered by Smarty 6
I would like to make a point on here for those who think that we could have beaten Hitler on our own. After the evacuation of Dunkirk this country was on its knees. If hitler wanted to invade britain then, we couldn't have stopped him. That is a fact! As for criticism for the Americans not joining in until Pearl Harbour, there were hundreds of Americans who voluntered to fight with us here before Pearl Harbour ever happened. As for our BBritish pilots winning the battle of Britain, The Royal Air Force was made up of Canadian, Polish, Americans, Israelis, Dutch and even Indian Pilots. Our Air Force was not all British.
2007-03-02 12:25:22
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Yes but only after the British had proved they could stand up to the Germans and at a financial price to the British. The Americans only came in after Japan and Germany declared war on them after Perl harbour. America never declared war on Germany by the way.
2007-03-02 02:23:34
answer #6
answered by Geoff E 4
united statesa. in no way bailed absolutely everyone out of a conflict. Britain entered an settlement with the u . s . in the course of the perfect conflict for Lend employ and have self belief me, we paid each PENNY again with extortionate activity. So do not imagine for a second that you gave something away!
2016-12-05 03:39:48
answer #7
answered by cheathem 4
The two boxers left standing, won the fight. As to who gets the bragging rights, well, it's up to them.
Very well put question. Thank you.
2007-03-02 02:19:37
answer #8
answered by busted.mike 4
Since Britain has just finished paying back the "Lease/Lend"
arranged during WW2.I would say that what ever help Britain had from U.S.A.was a Commercial deal and Who has the profit?
It is a common remark...late for WW1 and late for WW2.
2007-03-02 02:24:44
answer #9
answered by HELEN LOOKING4 6
Both, The one that stepped in figured he was probably next so he might as well get in the fight while he still had some help. Otherwise he would have to wait and do it alone.
2007-03-02 02:18:45
answer #10
answered by solokingcat 2