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What are the consequences of being so free market?.

A society with no laws regulating companies is doomed no matter how you approach it. You've gotta have rules & limits to what companies can get away with, and you have to police & enforce your rules as a society.

If you set no limits at all on how big a market share one company is allowed to have, you run the risk of nasty monopolies charging you triple or more for everything.

So even the rich benefit (as consumers) from having a not-extremely-free-market society.

And the other four quintiles certainly benefit from having a state that actively supports good health, good education & childcare, healthy food, good leisuretime & survival through the rough times (which costs money).

Free market is not the way to go, and it may wreck our planet through pollution & war.

2007-03-01 21:37:26 · 1 answers · asked by profound insight 4 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

Answerer one: I challenge you to find one EU country (or Japan or Korea), where things are "rationed or not received at all" - Let me make it clear, I am not asking you to compare a Free Market with the Soviet opposite extreme, I am asking for a comparision with the middle.

2007-03-01 22:04:13 · update #1

1 answers

So you would rather live in a socialist society where the things you get are rationed or not received at all. Medical care is also rationed and in cases denied because of your age? A free market society encourages one to work hard and get ahead. Theoretically the harder you work the better you are rewarded for your efforts. I would rather work in a free market society than live in socialism (communism).

2007-03-01 21:43:34 · answer #1 · answered by Jim G 4 · 0 0

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