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I don't care what anyone says; there is nothing beautiful about this film, and it would never make me pause, and think. Now, I'm not saying that people shouldn't be able to make racist movies if they want to, but why is it that it's okay to make a movie which portrays white women in a racist, bigoted way, but it's not okay do the same to black women?
So many times in my life, black people have made racist comments directly to my face, and everyone thinks this is fine, if not heroic. My parents raised me to believe that all people should be treated fairly and equally, but it my life I have become completely disillusioned with that notion. My question is, when is this double standard going to end? When are we going to realize that we cannot make up for past injustices by perpetuating further injustices in our own day?

2007-03-01 20:40:49 · 12 answers · asked by Joe C 1 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

12 answers

You people better be careful , you'll liable to bust the Politically Correct ruse wide open! You have to learn to suppress the truth, once you can master that, then it's easy to be PC. In the meantime......Shhhhhhhhhhhhh

2007-03-01 21:00:27 · answer #1 · answered by raggnaar 4 · 1 0

Know nothing of the movie other than Christina Ricci in short shorts.
Other than that , HEAR HEAR! Ive thought the same. I just want to know when are we "Paid up"? I mean I know it was horrible but it happens to so many other cultures and no one says a word. The american indian was so looked down upon that they werent even considerd useful as slaves. They were just hunted like animals. Every single culture on the face of the earth has been treated terribly by another at some point in history. When is it allowed to say enough get over it?

2007-03-01 20:47:04 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

It is not OK to make a movie which portrays white women in a racist, bigoted way, period. Indeed all people should be treated fairly, equally and with dignity.

2007-03-01 21:35:55 · answer #3 · answered by CnChrnrp 1 · 1 0

imagine a film about a law abiding white middle aged white man with good manners etc catching a young promiscuous and ill mannered black girl from the ghetto....can you even IMAGINE the uproar?

2013-12-15 15:52:26 · answer #4 · answered by ? 1 · 0 0

I agree,when I was in prison I heard so much racial crap it was disgusting all day and all night that is all you heard.It was always whitey this whitey that.But if a white man said the N word he would get written up and loose time.I am so sick of the Blacks riding on the coat tail of something that happened 200 yrs ago its time to grow up and face your reality.None of them were alive during this period of history.I'm sorry that slavery happened but it did,and we can't change that,and continually bringing up oppression will never help solve anything.We have to unite as one!Americans!

2007-03-01 21:35:50 · answer #5 · answered by one10soldier 6 · 2 2

Unfortunately the double standard will not end. It is ridiculous and of course we know how it is perpetuated. They are running the house and senate of our country now, Libs.

2007-03-01 23:38:38 · answer #6 · answered by Only hell mama ever raised 6 · 1 1

Interesting. You say this about a film that hasn't even been released yet, that you could not have seen, and you make assumptions about it all based upon the movie poster.

Please. How does this make you better?

2007-03-01 20:58:22 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

but have white people always portrayed black women as sexual objects???

2014-10-31 19:10:48 · answer #8 · answered by timmy_thms 2 · 0 0

Interesting, I was wondering the same thing myself

2016-08-23 19:54:36 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That's a fair point and I totally agree.

2007-03-01 20:45:57 · answer #10 · answered by Girl 3 · 2 2

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