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I mean why such eminent brends as Cartier or Alain Silberstein let selling of replicas by e-shops, for example this one: http://www.2002watch.com ? I think that this strategy decreases these brends' good will. Other opinions?

2007-03-01 20:39:34 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

3 answers

well, i don't think they can stop it in the first place. If they keep suing the vendors, they will probably spend the rest of their lives in court. They rely on people's judgment and at the end of the day, those who wear fakes can be easily spotted.

2007-03-04 20:36:10 · answer #1 · answered by fozio 6 · 0 0

This isn’t a brand new release (still pretty fresh though) from French watch maker Alain Silberstein – and it is one of my favorites. Sort of like his take on the Bell & Ross BR01 instrument watch look and style. Best of is that I got to check some iKrono watches out last month in person. A square case in titanium with an elevated round dial. The case is available in a micro-grain finish (sort of like sandblasted) and also with black PVD coating. Alain Silberstein further uses a special silicium anti-stain treatment. This is a really good addition when dealing with things like finger oils and such. The cases don’t really smudge when you touch them. I love the machine-like presentation, though it is softened by smooth bolts on the case and the overall smooth edges all over the case and surfaces. This gives it a more cartoon line, friendly look. The watch isn’t small either being 47mm wide (BR01 is 46mm wide) and 20mm tall. A really great look on your wrist if you ask me – very charming and inviting looking (which can pretty much be said for all his watches). By the way, the strap is actually one long piece of material that is secured into the case. To remove it, you just need to unscrew the caseback.

2014-08-01 14:32:02 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

you may want to be in a position to promote a pretend counterfeit non-Rolex except there's a prohibition antagonistic to promoting products that are copyright infringements, which a pretend non-Rolex would obviously be. duplicate = pretend, likely made in China, so that you need to specify that that is "a cheap chinese language scam pretend".

2016-11-26 23:48:04 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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