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Is real life just too boring? Look at how inaccurate movies like JFK and Farenheit 9-11 are. How can they just ignore common sense?What is the motivation?

2007-03-01 19:01:29 · 24 answers · asked by socalyard 2 in Politics & Government Politics

24 answers

I am probably in the minority. I don't care for conspiracy theories I care for the truth. I just wish our current administration would try telling it just once. It would be a nice change of pace.

2007-03-01 19:38:43 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Everyone loves a conspiracy theory, whether they're Democrat or Republican. It just happens that when one side holds power for long enough, the other side is more prone to conspiracy theories.

Most people are bored with their lives and want to think things are more sinister and exciting, especially if they're involved somehow.

As for the JFK assassination, there's simply a lack of closure in the matter. Lee Harvey Oswald was caught for the crime, but then he was killed. People wanted a full confession with details, not a suspicious revenge murder. Any case of murder without open-and-shut details brings up some conspiracy, and when someone as important as the President is involved, conspiracy theories spread far and wide.

So yeah, people like conspiracy theories because life is too boring. Both sides of the aisle, and even those way too far out there to be in the same political spectrum.

2007-03-02 03:16:54 · answer #2 · answered by BDOLE 6 · 0 1

First of all your question is ridiculous. Just because you think liberals love conspiracy theories doesn't make it true.

Conspiracy theories seem to spring up from the fringes of both ends of the political spectrum. One of the other answers to your question mentioned a Clinton conspiracy theory. Do you really think the left came up with a Clinton conspiracy theory?

Now it makes sense that there have been more conspiracy theories involving the right in the last 7 years because the right has held more power than the left. It's very difficult to accuse those who hold no real power of abusing it.

2007-03-02 04:27:55 · answer #3 · answered by SlowDownGhandi 2 · 2 0

I am neither liberal or republican because I am not American. I am a concerned inhabitant of the planet earth upon we all live, believers and non believers alike. My observations are the result of interest in these things since I was a teenager in the 60's. It has not been until recently, however, that all the tiles began to slip into place as the Illuminati, in its hubris, has begun to become over confident and careless.

I never saw those movies. I base my thoughts and ideas on my own interpretation of things. It is insulting to be told that we have not wit to make up our own minds based on our own interpretations and observations just because you disagree. It is also elitist and condescending, and rather sad.

Our lives are not dull. But our way of life is in serious jeopardy. I do not put up with insults and written abuse because it is fun. I am a very serious about what i do. I care! If I want abuse, I will buy my husband a whip.

It is sad that someday, those who do not believe now, will pay the same price as the rest of us and perhaps wish they had listened.

I do not know how Alex Jones and his evidence, backed up well by film, interviews, photographs and inside tracks can be ignored by so many. Alex predicted 911 and Osama bin Laden many years before it happened. I have seen the tapes. I saw them then too.

You do not seem to realize that conspiracy people are trying to do good and open the eyes of those blinded to reality! Our motivation comes from love and concern. We are attempting to open the minds of those who choose to believe the words of the deceivers and profiteers of death. They do not realize how they are being duped and being prepared for a future that might well bite them in their bottoms.

You seem to be unable to comprehend that we are at the point of no return. The media has done its job all too well. How can you ignore the pancake fall of these buildings? How can you ignore the words of many well known newscasters and people of repute who are willing to put their careers and reputations on the line by going against the status quo, the word of the state run propaganda machine we call mainstream media?

I suppose many deniers believe that this is the end that God has promised and that Jesus will save them. Boggles the mind it does! They do not realize this inflexible attitude is as distorted as is that of a young Muslim who has been taught that America is the great satan.

Military spending in Oreo talk:

Oh by the way, Bush, the Great Leader, has an IQ of 91. The lowest of a pres to date. His daddy was only 98. Madonna and Shakira have IQs of 140!

Presidents and IQ's

All we can do is pray we all survive.

2007-03-02 03:55:17 · answer #4 · answered by Noor al Haqiqa 6 · 1 0

Speaking of inaccurate, let's talk Rush and the dittoheads (Would make a good name for a rock band, any takers?).

That said, it is a strange predicament. "Liberals" are sort of in the situation where they both hate the government, and want to make it bigger at the same time.

If you notice, all these conspiracy theories center on the government hiding something from the people. Despite that, Liberal philosophy wants more government programs. In theory they believe the people THEY want elected would never decieve them. Frankly, I see enough deciet on both sides to go around.

I suppose conspiracy theories are fun, convoluted enough to keep an imaginative person busy, and no worse than putting out, say the National Enquirer or Weekly World news. Hmmm... which one had 'Ed Anger', now there is a looney.

Anyway, my 2 cents worth.


2007-03-02 03:19:33 · answer #5 · answered by diogenese19348 6 · 0 1

So you've come to the conclusion to link ~all~ 'conspiriacy theorists' (people who question and examine the governments 'conspiracy theories') with ~all~ these unfairly hated generally slurred people you class as liberals... nice work, I didn't see that coming.

'Common sense' seems to be the buzz word these days... In other words, just think what they tell you to think.

Don't bother to look at the evidence.. Some one better is..

Don't be concerned that the government hides evidence.. It's for our own good..

Don't bother doing your own research.. Because they know better than you do.

What a great conservative redneck way of looking at things.

Ever heard of 'Operation Northwoods'...? I didn't think so. Google it.

It's the CIA training operation from the 60's to use hijacked aeroplanes as missiles against skyscrapers and large buildings, as a false-flag (at the time it would have been under the guise of cuban terrorists) event in order to rally the masses into taking military action.

And you REALLY think the thought of 9/11 happening never crossed Bush's mind..?

Why do the ~really ignorant~ ones ignore common sense and accuse the 'conspiracy theorists' of being stupid liberals who don't have a clue???

2007-03-02 03:37:36 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Come on now, don't generalize, I'm a conservative, and I LOVE a good conspiracy theory. Conspiracy theories make us THINK, rather than just accepting everything we're told. We should LOVE them.
I think conspiracy theories encourage discussion.
On the other hand, though, I can't STAND conspiracy theorists, you know, the people who buy into the conspiracy theories? They're just as bad as a person who just believes what they're told. They are gullible, which is ironic, since that's what many of them accuse those of us who DON'T believe the conspiracy theories of being.
Conspiracy theories are entertaining. It's especially entertaining watching the tinfoil hat wearers. I mean, you can't help but feel sorry for them.

2007-03-02 03:42:48 · answer #7 · answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7 · 2 3

The motivation is MONEY! Movies are never about facts. Facts
aren't juicy enough, so fiction often becomes confused by audiences for truth. However, I didn't know that conspiracy theories were restricted to liberals.

2007-03-02 03:17:05 · answer #8 · answered by charliecizarny 5 · 2 2

We were slammed when those pesky liberals started investigating Watergate. Turns out there was a conspiracy.

During Vietnam, we were called conspiracy freaks and paranoid when we said we were being spied on by the CIA. Turns out there was a conspiracy to do just that.

Liberals were bashed for criticizing the Reagan administration's funding of the Contras. Turns out there was a conspiracy(first denied, later admitted) in the government to sell arms to Iran (yes, Iran) to fund the Contras in Nicaragua.

It's not like they don't exist. Some theories are wacky, but we have precedent.

2007-03-02 03:11:26 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 6 3

Conspiracy theories know no bounds. Vince Foster and the right wing is a good one. Oh. You think that one is not a theory...

2007-03-02 05:18:00 · answer #10 · answered by iwasnotanazipolka 7 · 0 0

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