Large hand outs, very little work, and critical of any belief that is not like theirs. Basically they are useless lot of people.
2007-03-01 16:08:29
answer #1
answered by InTheWright 3
Seems these days Conservatives have convinced themselves, and some of the American public, that being a Liberal is akin to being a card-carrying member of the Communist Party. While this may be a great smear tactic for an election year, to believe such a notion proves that the believer is uneducated in the fundamentals of the American political system. Our nation was founded on Liberalism. Embodied in the Declaration of Independence are its three tenets: "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness." The very term, itself, is taken from the same root as the second of these precepts. To be a Liberal is to defend the freedom - the Liberty - of all people who make up our great nation. To be a Liberal is to trust individuals and families to run their own lives as they see fit. To be a Liberal is to create a nation where anyone can excel if they are willing to do the work.
2007-03-02 00:09:13
answer #2
answered by truth seeker 7
The preservation of the basic freedoms that America used to stand for. Often times, conservatives seek to take away certain rights in the name of "safety" or "protection", but are actually taking away the basics rights that the United States was established under, the reason we broke away from the United Kingdom only 200 years ago. We stand for equality, equal chances for everyone, privacy, and among other things, government programs to help our CITIZENS (NOT illegals). Basically, we stand for the preservation of TRUE AMERICAN values, and not purely religious values as many far right conservatives do.
2007-03-02 00:09:49
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
freedom and the ability to do WHAT YOU WANT... that can be protest the war... that can be marry a guy if you want too... free to disagree and think what you want (conservatives have some how convinced themselves that liberals don't believe this and use the example of like 5 liberals at one university to represent all liberals in the world... by that same logic, all conservatives are child molesters... which is silly)
being free is the key fundamental capstone... what we think America is all about...
and these are ideas that 99.9 percent of liberals support, sure you can find one or two that don't... but that doesn't prove anything about what most liberals believe...
right now it doesn't matter what you ACTUALLY BELIEVE to conservatives... if you don't support the war, you're a liberal... if you don't care if gays marry, you're a liberal... basically if you disagree with almost any of their issues, you're a liberal... and it's just silly... that means the majority of Americans are liberal in one way or another, if that's your definition of liberal...
we belive that everyone should have a chance at success and the opportunites to do it... that everyone is created equal...
conservatives parrot these ideas and then promote legislation that denies this... cut funding to public schools, cut funding to universities... and on and on
2007-03-02 00:17:44
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I consider myself liberal -- much of what I say is personal to me and not necessarily a tenet of 'liberal' value.
I believe in free speech and the right to dissent. I believe in a free press and open transparant government where the people have a window into our political leaders. I believe in freedom of religion.
I believe that our populace is undereducated and losing our ability to compete internationally. I believe that trade deficits are damaging our long-term prosperity. I believe that we are causing serious damage to the environment. I believe that war should be a last resort after diplomacy fails. I believe that American foreign policy has been disastrous for the past fifty years. I believe that many industries (particulary banking and energy) benefit from high measures of government regulation. I believe that corporations should be subjected to public scrutiny.
I have arrived at my beliefs after a lifetime of conscious examination they weren't planted in my head by some 'liberal media.'
2007-03-02 01:06:06
answer #5
answered by hgherron2 4
truth seeker said it....""Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.""
yo, zdub.... news flash, Just because libs enjoys life and privacy doesn't mean they don't work. Saying that they don't work may make you feel warm and fuzzy inside, but it has nothing to do with being liberal. "critical of any belief that is not like theirs." doesn't this define a con?
2007-03-02 00:20:11
answer #6
answered by jerome2all 6
Liberalism is the belief in liberty. for every one not just any one group. I think this is best achieved by strict adherence to the constitution. In this day and age oversight and reinforced system of check and balances to fight corruption and influence peddling in government is also good.
2007-03-02 00:22:10
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
People come first, not money or some twisted sense of patriotism.
Try this on for size;
What Liberals stand for...
...of conscience
You have the right to think as you wish.
...of religion
You have the right to worship as you please. The government has no business either supporting or opposing religion in general or any specific religion.
...of speech
You have the right to express your views, whatever they may be. Only in the free marketplace of ideas can truth emerge.
Civil rights
All people are equal under the law. Any type of discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or gender is not only inconsistent with a free and civil society, but is immoral as well.
Universal public education
Equality of opportunity requires all Americans to have access to a basic education consistent with maintaining informed citizenship and the ability to participate fully in society.
Tolerance of Differences
Because we are all unique beings, with different skills, needs, and wants, we must respect the life choices of others as long as their life choices do not infringe on the rights enjoyed by other citizens.
A Social Safety Net
Recognizing that circumstances beyond mortal control play a part in all our lives, a basic social safety net shall be available to all who need it, not as a permanent lifestyle, but rather as a helping hand to get back on one's feet.
Employees' Rights
We spend most of our lives working. Work is the foundation of our economy and a major part of the glue holding together communities. The employee is an equal business partner with the employer, and as such, has the right to collectively bargain for terms of employment.
Environmental Protection
Contrary to some people's opinions, it is possible to both protect the environment and sustain economic growth. We support taking all reasonable and responsible steps to protect the environment and the species contained therein.
Strong Families
The family is the primary social unit in America. It must be respected, and encouraged in all its forms. Government should make policy with this in mind.
With rights come responsibilities. Exercising our rights means taking responsibility for our actions, and their effects on others.
Free Enterprise
The capitalist economic system is the most efficient solution to providing for peoples' wants and needs. Government's role is that of a regulator, not a controller of industry, and any regulation must only be for the good of society as a whole, and not for the benefit of any one entity.
Rule of Law
Law is the framework in which society operates. There can be no society without justice. Justice means that those who commit crimes must be made to answer for them, and that the criminal code is fair and wisely constructed. When criminal actions go unpunished, respect for the law weakens. The law applies to all, including all agents of the government.
...most importantly, Progress
Progress is what Liberalism really means; moral progress, economic progress, and social progress to benefit all humanity. This represents the path towards a better world. At its heart, Liberalism is an optimistic philosophy.
2007-03-02 00:09:23
answer #8
answered by ArgleBargleWoogleBoo 3
We believe that we are all in this together and not every man for himself and we vote for representatives of the people`s will not some father figure that knows best. That about sums it up.
2007-03-02 00:15:20
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
One must accept L. Ron Hubbard as Lord and personal savior.
2007-03-02 00:36:47
answer #10
answered by gayconservativ 3
It's an attitude,not a belief system. Sorta like " young man, I know I can depend upon you to have my daughter home by sunrise".
2007-03-02 00:22:12
answer #11
answered by Anonymous