As a Military Brat, I often wonder, "What do the civilians think about me?" Seriously. I know I have my pre-concieved notions about civilians (non-military people), one of them being that they generally don't care about the world outside of the US. I know I'm wrong in thinking that, but that it how I percieve them.
So. What do you civilians think about Military Brats?
12 answers
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Society & Culture
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Military Brats are kids of those in the military. Just to let y'all know ^_^
14:40:53 ·
update #1
Youre not entirely wrong about the idea that US civilians dont care much about the world outside the US. (This is coming from a civilian by the way.) But thats a whole other story, with lots of arguments to be made and things to mention, so I wont go into it.
I dont think anything about military brats. Theyre all different, just like all people are different. I dont think you can accurately figure someone out by just knowing what general group they belong to. Nor do I think all people belonging to a certain group are the same.
I dont think thats really what you were looking for, but thats my honest point of view.
2007-03-01 14:42:38
answer #1
answered by Jesus W. 6
I think you are going to be great.
Brought up in the great tradition of serving our country. Learning to adapt and get along all over the country or the world. All the "brats" I have known have turned out well. They are strong and caring people who have shared the burden of Dad or Mom being in harms way for the sake of our nation. We owe you a huge debt of gratitude for your personal sacrifice to freedom.
Don't you worry about what ill formed opinions some people may have about our "brats" . Some people hate it when kids are smarter and have more experience of the world than they do. That's because they are stupid and embarrassed at their own ignorance.
So tell people you are a proud Brat ( I have 2 brats and 1 civilian). And if they don't like it you don't want to know them. God bless you!
2007-03-01 15:16:45
answer #2
answered by FOA 6
I Often Wonder The Same Question.
Also Being A "Military Brat".
2007-03-01 14:36:15
answer #3
answered by Sara 3
I am a Navy Brat and was often told that I had the good life, because I got to travel and start all over in a new city.
2007-03-01 14:37:36
answer #4
answered by UOPHXstudent 4
first of all why are you called a military brat? If you are in the military fighting for our country then I thank you from the bottom of my heart. If you have a husband or father brother mother cousin in the military then I hope they come back alive and unhurt, and my heart goes out to you because it must be difficult to wonder what each day will bring while your loved one is fighting this war.
2007-03-01 14:36:52
answer #5
answered by cutiepie81289 7
Stereotypically speaking:
The Girls: tomboys
have a brashful and outspoken persona
Love to fight and act all tough
Have huge self esteem
The Boys: Want to be the next G.I joe
Manly males
One step away from beating a guy that pisses them off
Those are stereotypes, I know! :) but you asked
2007-03-01 14:40:19
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Neat people, sometimes troubled who have sacrificed for their country, I have a very positive view of you and your fellow brats!!!
2007-03-01 14:36:08
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I'm going to guess they are rebellious, outgoing & fun. They probably don't like living with their folks & have a hard time keeping friends due to frequent relocation.
2007-03-01 14:38:12
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
They tend to be flighty, but seemingly intelligent and well rounded people d/t constant moving.
2007-03-01 14:36:05
answer #9
answered by Sharisse F 4
I think they're heroes defending their country. Some day i hope to serve myself.
God bless the troops.
2007-03-01 14:37:31
answer #10
answered by Anonymous