yup yup it's really sad!!!
2007-03-01 14:19:46
answer #1
answered by **Army Girl** 2
I am not going to use the term "White Americans" in the answer to this question. Here is my answer: Only some individuals are racists. They are individuals who choose to support an outlook that stipulates that some people are not equal to others, based upon their race (color of skin), and sometimes their religion, or nationality. They are perhaps this way because they see these individual differences as a way to group others outside of a group they feel they are a part of. Racism is sad. Everyone should, in my opinion, see themselves as part of a community of life living in this great big world around us.
2007-03-01 22:39:20
answer #2
answered by earthcaress 3
I'm sorry to hear about your experience. As an international student in US, everyone was very friendly. I'd even say that they treat me nicer than my own people. It's a different story outside the college.
Those bad apples you've met are probably very poorly educated individuals. I've realized that racism is often class-related. Most upper and upper-middle class don't bother with it, or at least they would not be foolish enough to think that it's okay to hassle others.
For me, I find that it's actually the minorities are worse racists. I hear terrible things said about me, when they don't know that I know their language. I'm Chinese and I know that my people say terrible things about Blacks too. White people are mostly friendly unless you go to the really poor area. But it might not be racism, maybe they are just really rude people.
2007-03-01 22:35:37
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
It is sad but definitely part of our history as well...By todays standards we have come a long way since the 1960's & prior years,yet some people
have beliefs & opinions that being predjudice is still acceptable..Some parts of the country are more intent on that idea as well..Its not just white people either,it is all races that exist in the USA..as you must know,we are quite a melting pot of races here..
2007-03-01 22:25:51
answer #4
answered by legendary~cool 7
All aren't even though there's a good share of racists on Yahoo! Answers!
2007-03-01 22:35:06
answer #5
answered by willie 4
They brought it with them from Europe, actually. Manifest destiny and the "white man's burden" are from there.
2007-03-01 22:22:08
answer #6
answered by Danagasta 6
that sounds like a racist question
2007-03-01 22:25:06
answer #7
answered by grey smily 3