Tried it in my teens. They should be legal. The so called war on drugs only causes all kinds of other crimes. If someone wants to snort coke then let them. If they get sick of it - they'll stop!
2007-03-01 13:50:35
answer #1
answered by Sven B 6
Any mind altering substance is a problem whether you obtain it legally over the counter ie pharmacy or bottle store or whether you buy it from a drug dealer. There is no hierachy if its habit forming it destroys lives, not only the users but the people who love them. Nobody wants to be a slave to a chemical or similar and don't be judgemental, people only use because they feel inadequate.
2007-03-01 18:43:38
answer #2
answered by Terry T 1
my stance on drugs is that it is stupid. you pay to mess up your body and potentially get arrested. If you are arrested then it goes into your file forever. a DUI or something like that will stay in your file for 7 years and then potential employeers and the like dont see it anymore, but a drug charge never goes away. drink alcohol if you are into downers or go parachuting or something if you are more of an adrenaline junkie. they're cheaper and safer options.
2007-03-01 13:53:05
answer #3
answered by Vettepilot 5
Personally I wouldn't bother. I don't have any problems with anyone else partaking in them if that's their choice though. The only thing that I think is bad about drugs are the addictive effects of some which leads to crime. I don't care if a person wants to have fun but I do care if they want to rob me to fuel their addiction.
2007-03-01 18:18:17
answer #4
answered by SR13 6
some good some bad... what would be better is if they were refined and senisibly regulated...
Ie dope... you can grow it with a small livence which helps rehab, you can give it away, but cant sell it.
Things like e make everyone freindly and huggy and dance and get fity, but has some side effects, some of which can be dealt with if careful ie not too much water and keep cool and others not.
ie good for psyciatry
look at the rave and hippie culture... pocitive.
compared with carck and smack culture bad
if many were decriminised... and controlled... dealers make less cash plus if kid is sick can ask cop for help
2007-03-01 16:07:08
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I have done in the past. Wouldn't touch anything now.
Only drugs I take are paracetamol and prescription.
As for my stance on drugs? Back in the day I staggered...
2007-03-01 13:49:00
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Never -due to the fact that illicit drug use causes one to forget the vowels in words
2007-03-01 13:50:22
answer #7
answered by Debbie R 2
they ruin your body, children and society. Hands up who wants to buy a house next to a drug dealer?? No? Sure? Stay away from me, I've worked too hard to suffer all that crap.
2007-03-01 13:50:11
answer #8
answered by rose_merrick 7
Been there, done that, and don't remember much. Not a way to live your life. I gave it up for the greater good................ME! I think drugs are a misguided way to cope with life.
2007-03-01 13:52:22
answer #9
answered by FireBug 5
Don't take any, even ones that are legal. Our body are designed to help itself, without help.
2007-03-01 13:56:17
answer #10
answered by sweet101 1