Picture this. You are driving with 4 friends on a highway on your way home from a party. A drunk driver swerves from an opposite lane and hits your car head on with his truck, killing two of your friends instantly. You are pinned down in the backseat, and the gasoline tank catches fire. The flames surround you as you scream, but the paramedics can't get you out of the burning wreckage in time. Meanwhile, your other friend has been rushed to the hospital in critical condition. When the flames on the car die down, you are still alive, and after many hours, they free you from the wreck and put you on an ambulance. When you finally wake up in the hospital, you find that both your friends had died, and your other friend is still in the hospital. You see that the fingers on both your hands are amputated due to the burns, and that you have lost your nose, ears, hair, and lips. You are partially blind because the fire has scorched your eyes, and the burning pain is unbearable.
11 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
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The drunk driver that hit you was fined 50,000 dollars and given 7 years in prison. You eventually start walking again, but you are permanently disfigured, and have lost most control of your hands because you have lost most of your fingers. A cornea transplant helps you regain some eyesight, but you are still impaired visionally. Children hide or stare when you pass by in public places. Would life still be beautiful? Could you forgive the person who did this?
This is the real life story of Jacqueline Saburido, a drunk driving victim. Google her to learn more of her inspiring story.
13:27:51 ·
update #1
No...not then. Maybe years later...maybe.
2007-03-01 13:28:23
answer #1
answered by merlin_steele 6
Had that happened to me at age 20, I doubt very much if my life would have taken the same path as Jacqueline's. At that age, I was on the go, go, go - just got married; had a wonderful high-paying job - everything was rosy and bright...and boom - everything's gone --- instead I'd be left with pain, ugliness and scars. I'd be pissed big time...super big time! Will I commit suicide? NO! But I'd definitely be so withdrawn and would probably live like a hermit (just staying within the confines of my room; not seeing anybody). Do I forgive the drunk driver? Heck, NO!
Now, had the unfortunate accident happened to me at my age now (past 50s) --- I'd probably take a more positive course of action. I doubt if it's anywhere close to what Jacqueline did but one thing is sure, the drunk driver is forgiven. Heck, I have to be at peace with my Maker.
2007-03-01 22:00:54
answer #2
answered by Inday 7
I would find a way. I would file a civil suite against the individual. I would then by a place in the woods and build a cabin. I enjoy nature and learn to paint with my toes. I would also make it part of my civil suite that the drunk driver has to work with me to travel to colleges around the country and speak on the dangers of drunk driving.
If the man didn't just deciced to kill himself, he would die of shame. But I hope that the person just die in spirit, and then find themself and live again for a new, more noble cause.
2007-03-01 21:47:59
answer #3
answered by B H 3
Yes,I would still think life is beautiful.I think most of the people who wouldn't are the types to just be oblivious to life's dark side...
and what they say as beauty was shattered.Actually,with me being in a situation like that about a year ago,it made me appreciate my life,and I saw that people actually do have a heart.
My brother was driving buzzed with me in the car and we tumbled a few times.It's not as bad as you stated,but not far from it.My fingers were crushed and I was bleeding from a huge gouge in my wrist with a slight concussion.The thing about life is that you have to take the good with the bad...and without the ugliness of reality,the great feelings probably wouldn't be as strong.
2007-03-01 21:33:44
answer #4
answered by cultureslum 2
when your going though hell keep going... would life still be beautiful? it should be... everyone has a purpose on this earth and what didn't kill you will make you stronger...i cant really say i know, this situation has never occurred to me, but think of it this way your still alive, you still have a chance to live and help others, even when you cant help yourself......the most beautifully things in life are the simple things, a smile, the sunset....... never giving up is the key
2007-03-01 21:31:23
answer #5
answered by may 2
No, I think I'd want to die after a traumatic thing like that. How could you come up with such a horrific scenario? Would your life still be beautiful after something like that?
2007-03-01 21:29:09
answer #6
answered by true blue 6
No, but things could improve. It would never be as good as it was, but life would go on. You would meet new people, and though you'd always remember your special friends and the bond you shared, time would roll on.
2007-03-01 21:30:20
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
i don't think i could take that much stuff happening, life would definitely not be that beautiful after that. WOW very detailed question, that would change someones life
2007-03-01 21:31:20
answer #8
answered by throw_away_your_television_2 6
even more so....that person would be able to help prevent others from being victims of drunk drivers
2007-03-01 21:29:50
answer #9
answered by hipnotic0823 1
$50,000? I'd be pissed. The government better take care of me.
2007-03-01 21:30:02
answer #10
answered by krumpmaster terrell 4