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Or "Jesus Christ!!", "Goddamn it!!", etc.

2007-03-01 13:08:13 · 8 answers · asked by Julia Warhol 3 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

how would they know the words?

2007-03-01 17:54:29 · update #1

8 answers

Sure. I'm an atheist, and I say "God!", "Jesus Christ," "damnit,", etc. all the time. They are nonreligious terms of speech at this time in history.

2007-03-01 13:13:19 · answer #1 · answered by Rissa 2 · 0 1

i'm not an impatient individual yet am wanting to pay attention something.. for that's obvious that there is extra to be printed.. as such i'll withhold my opinion.. for a fashion can all of us critique unfinished venture? I surely have purely to assert that i chanced on it very troublesome hitting good from "Granddad became" and that i've got a feeling i comprehend the place this is going because of the fact i'm probably analyzing too lots "between" the strains.. (-: nicely written (((Bri))) I shall watch for something happilly with baited breath. playstation .. i commend your respond to the responses you have had. that's a actual guy which could shop a civil tongue in his head whilst all approximately you're dropping theirs (-:

2016-10-17 01:41:14 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

It is at least interesting that people have so close to the tip of their tongue a curse ready for God, but it never occurs to people to curse satan or mohammed or buddha. There is an old saying that states, "There are no atheists in the foxhole". People do realize what they are saying when they carelessly abuse God in this way, and we have no excuse.

2007-03-01 15:14:38 · answer #3 · answered by Dr. J 3 · 0 1

I've never heard of an atheist commune. And sure, they'll say that. Saying it has nothing to do with believing in it. It's just an expletive.

2007-03-01 14:45:41 · answer #4 · answered by Jess H 7 · 0 1

Any of the above. It's only a comment. I've said it myself on such occasions, and I'm a Wiccan.

2007-03-01 13:15:38 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Where is this atheist commune of which you speak, I wanna join

2007-03-01 13:14:03 · answer #6 · answered by yutu34 4 · 0 1


2007-03-01 14:52:47 · answer #7 · answered by spanky 6 · 0 1

Why not? would somebody who is celibate scream: "F*** me"?

2007-03-01 13:11:40 · answer #8 · answered by altered ego 3 · 1 1

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