It's not an easy thing someone on Yahoo!Answers can just solve for you.
The first step would be to ask yourself WHY you're having these thoughts - do they relate to one specific trigger?
But you need more help than we can give you here - please, talk to a professional - a counselor, a therapist, a spiritual leader, a crisis hotline.
And please, when you're having those thoughts, read this web page:
2007-03-01 13:11:33
answer #1
answered by Ms. S 5
You don't say anythign about why. what most suicidal people (in fact all people) don't realise is that suicidial people have some kind of chemical problem in the brain whereby they cannot experience the same pleasure as other people.
I was on the verge of suicide for a long time until I found out about and started taking neurotransmitter therapy. This is where you elevate the levels of neurotransmitters in the brain which are deficient. Your brain starts working properly again and you strart to feel *amazing* feeling's like you never thought possible. It's like magic, or like your taking a drug, but actually that's what everyone else feels like normally.
So you have to make the distinction between is it (a) a situational thing > are you incredibly depressed/stressed about a particular thing or (b) are you just generally extremely depressed and painful and don't know why?
If it's the second (and most probably it is) then you need to look into neurotransmitter therapy. Do a search on google. Specifically I would start out taking 5htp and tyrosine. These convert to serotonin and dopamine respectively in the brain. When I started taking these I just coudn't beleive the diference it made. It was like magic. I never knew it was possible to even feel that way.
Unfortunately doctors are terrible when it comes to therapies for depression. There is no 'specialist' like there is, if for example, you had diabetes or a broken leg etc. They just give you anti-depressants and send you on your way. Anti-depressants dont work on the long run - they 'trick' the brain into working properly but don't actually elevate the levels of neurotransmitters in the brain which need to be elevated. Anyone taking anti-deressants will feel better (whether depressed or not depressed) but it doesn't cure the problem.
1) Do a search for neurotrnsmitter therapy and research into it, and start taking 5htp and tyrosine to see what the effect is
2) Read 'the edge effect' by Eric Braverman - this will give you an introduction to the brain and how the neurotransmitters work etc
3) Don't listen to people who tell you to have 'cognitive therapy' or 'psychocounsilling' or anything like that unless your sure it's a situational thing
I would also recomend inositol which is proven to be deficient in people who are having suicidal tendancies.
Also, if your currently on some kind of recreational drugs then that's why your feeling depressed - they blow huge amounts of these neurotransmitters out of the brain at once causing a massive high but then RAPIDLY depleting the brain's stores of them, leaving the brain starving for the things it needs. As I remember it - cocaine will deplete Dopamine. Ectasy will deplete serotonin. Speed will deplete both and so on.
1 Year on after I myself though I would almost certainly be ending it all becuase of the pain, I feel absoloutely fantastic and have wondeful feelings from the simplist things in life.
*IMPORTANT NOTE: do not take 5htp alongside anything else which interacts with the serotonin systm like traditional anti-depressant or St. Johns Wort as this can result in something called 'Serotonin syndrome' which can be potentially fatal*
In fact, one thing I forgot to mention. If your feeling painful in life and you hear other people talking about 'pain' from this or that - they aren't talking about tthe same kind of pain that your going through. When your suicidally depressed it seems like everyone else is going through pain and that life is so dreary but it's not. It's just your perception. Life is wonderful for most people - they just don't stop and appreciate it enough.
This is a decent page for an introduction to neurotransmitter therapy -
2007-03-01 13:22:41
answer #2
answered by Dudeberry 2
Think of a special person.... You mom, dad, bro or sis.... someone who is special for you.... who you love and also think of what the consequences are going to be if you commit a suicide.... YOU ARE GOING TO HURT THEM!!!.... You really don't want that, do you?.... THERE IS A LIFE...... what are you going to solve with that?..... Do what you love.... computer... Talk on the phone.... Sports.... sing.... go to your room... and scream as hard as you can.... with the radio on at high volume (Thats helps a lot!!)... If there is anything I can help you or need someone to talk to... E-mail me..... I'll be your friend if you want. Take care and please dont do something stupid. *Huggs*
2007-03-01 13:19:48
answer #3
answered by L.U.I.S. 1
Here's another site you can visit...
In the Search box type in "suicide" or any other key words that you might want information about.
Good luck!
2007-03-01 13:13:14
answer #4
answered by GeneL 7
talk to sombody - a trusted friend or counselor -
or go straight to this website i visit from time to time:
2007-03-01 13:09:21
answer #5
answered by iammoza 3
Have you considered trying to get to level 3?
2007-03-01 13:34:58
answer #6
answered by Testaco 3
go get a HUG! omg i hated feeling like that please just dont your life gets soo much better i promise it does if you want to tlk i will try as hard as i possibly can email me ne time
*April* HUGS!
2007-03-01 14:47:45
answer #7
answered by 2