I regret not being the best that God wants me to be.
2007-03-01 12:55:34
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
My biggest regret--- is that I don't have my life together right now.
I'm not passionate about what I'm doing (college) and I would rather spend my time surfing the internet than anything else!
I'm not looking forward to anything NOW. I try to think of ideas to get motivated... but nothing clicks. I think it would be so cool to have my own business, but it seems so very far away.... and it just doesn't seem realistic for me.
I'm on medication for depression/bi-polar... but that's not helping that much either.
The past-- what do I regret?
I mean, the past is the past. I don't really care that much about it. What happened happened. I don't regret it. I regret the present 2007.
But if I HAD to say one thing in my past that I regret....
I would say I regret getting engaged to be married. And my fiance dumped me when I was too depressed. That was raw. So yeah, I regret that engagement.
2007-03-01 22:51:18
answer #2
answered by lexi m 6
That i got married at 18 and didn't finish college. i also regret messing around with the wrong type of guys, i wasted alot of time trying to be in love. when i always heard whats love got to do with it and love don't love nobody, it takes a fool to learn.
yeah i wasted a lifetime on love.
2007-03-08 22:28:06
answer #3
answered by LENA 3
Losing my kids to that awful disease of alcohol....lost my wife, and my kids becacuse drinking was far more important to me than my family. my 2 daughters i dont remember much about them , dont remember there graduation from grade school or high school my son ...trying to get some sembalance of a life with him ...being a teen ...i know his time is with his friends and with sports ...if i could change things and know then what i know now drinking would be out of the picture.....thats what i regret
2007-03-01 21:09:33
answer #4
answered by truckingfool2743 1
Going to a Technical Institute instead of a normal high school and a liberal arts college. I should have gone for something artistic.
2007-03-01 20:55:24
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Not saying goodbye to my Grandmother who raised me before she died. From that day on, I swore I would live the rest of my life with no regrets.
2007-03-01 23:37:07
answer #6
answered by All This and Brains Too! 2
Studying Nautical Engineering instead of Medicine, biggest mistake of my life. I am successful but not happy with my job...
2007-03-09 15:23:24
answer #7
answered by united we stand 3
i regret having feelings for this one person who is still in my head, when i have no use for him and he totally has no use for me
2007-03-01 23:03:24
answer #8
answered by haringmarumo 6
quiting on my last relationship, I now know that all relationships have challenges that need all parties involved in order to overcome them
2007-03-09 20:18:05
answer #9
answered by Cozy 2
i got hooked to net.i thought i will find a girl on net.
2007-03-08 07:27:10
answer #10
answered by toploser 5