Win elections period. They will stand for anything they think pop culture will support for 5 minutes.
2007-03-01 12:44:43
answer #1
answered by archangel72901 4
This is no fun at all--there are no serious answers from Democrat supporters. I think they do have an agenda, but it is one that if actually articulated would be soundly rejected. Therefore, they campaign without any positive platform, then try to use undemocratic methods to enact their agenda, such as the court system. Pelosi's "First 100 Hours" was a bit of a dud, as far as I could tell.
What I see them "standing for" are things like Universal Health Care, trade restrictions, tax increases, increase in minimum wage, resist Social Security reform and Medicare reform. I don't remember anything else. The sad thing is they sincerely believe these things are good ideas, although I am sure there are plenty who are cynical enough to be supporting these things only to keep enough people dependent on government so the Democrats can still get elected.
2007-03-01 22:35:43
answer #2
answered by sargon 3
democrats don't have an agenda...the entire party is as crazy as nancy polize.
all they want to do is go on television and repeat that iraq is a failure like the Vietnam war which by the way was started by democrats.
as long as they go on tv and convince the brain less apes that we are in trouble because of iraq, bush is evil etc....they get to be in power for 10-15 years.
republicans came in the office after democrats blunders in Vietnam and they stayed in white house for 8 years even with Nixons misshapes.
so bottom line....if democrats make iraq a big enough issue that peole start denouncing it then thats a green light for them to stay in power for a decade or more.
2007-03-02 00:15:18
answer #3
answered by Pro Bush 5
Bring Justice back to America. While I voted Republican last election to my everlasting shame. I have found that most democrats have a good grasp on the truth, while they have been stifled these last six years. To ask for an agenda see the following site.
I like Dennis Kucinich though I never heard of him in the present mind control media broadcasting environment. You will find he has a broad agenda of justice, peace and prosperity for the working men and women of America. He is the peoples choice.
2007-03-01 22:48:13
answer #4
answered by andy r 3
I have spent pretty much my entire life trying desperately to figure that out. Occasionally I see glimmers of hope (JFK, for instance) but for the most part, the liberal agenda just seems to get worse every year - income redistribution, open borders, SS for illegals, national heath care, national defense on the back burner, and on and on.
I doubt you'll get a definitive answer.
2007-03-01 23:13:06
answer #5
answered by LeAnne 7
Believe that the death penalty only applies to unborn babies.
Believe that oral sex is not sex.
Believe that banning guns actually bans guns
Believe that only the rich pay any taxes
Believe that anything but the sun causes global warming
Believe that it is braver to protest a war than to fight one
Believe that America is the "Evil Empire"
Yell at Bush at every opportunity, when they have no logical solution themselves.
But seriously:
Higher taxes
For abortion
for gay marriage
for affirmative action (give minorities advantages over whites in college admissions and jobs)
against the death penatly
have government involvement in the economy (less free market)
allow illegal immigrants to stay
separation of church and state
believe the war on iraq was simply for oil
more welfare
2007-03-01 21:38:50
answer #6
answered by shawn j 2
Defiantly none, just look as they are bumbling around in power, useless political posturing resolutions, and just campaigning for 08 by playing to polls. I thought they said they had all these plans and answers last November. If I was a real Democrat I would of feel I have been played for political purpose, but sadly they are blinded by a "I hate and Blame Bush mantra only"
Had to add this from AP, proves they really have no idea,plan and no care about the troops
Also on Thursday, an influential Senate Democrat floated the idea of cutting $20 billion from Bush's request for military operations next year in Iraq and Afghanistan, only to be swiftly overridden by his colleagues
2007-03-01 20:54:35
answer #7
answered by garyb1616 6
exactly the opposite than the republican agenda
2007-03-01 22:59:05
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
2007-03-01 21:24:50
answer #9
answered by ? 7
archangel72901 already gave the perfect response. Please award him Best Answer!
Democrats will always pander to the Lowest Common Denominator. They go for votes at all cost.
Compare this with George Bush. When he was asked at the Presidential debates what he would do to reduce unemployment, he didn't give the kind of predictable answer Kerry did. Bush said that people needed to get job skills that would make them attractive to employers. Can you believe that? A politician just telling people the plain truth: get off your lazy butt and get yourself skills that are in demand. Then you won't have to be so concerned about losing your job.
2007-03-01 20:53:33
answer #10
answered by 7
The same as the Republicans. Globalization and the New World Order at all cost.
2007-03-01 20:44:46
answer #11
answered by Crystal Blue Persuasion 5